Author has written 18 stories for Romance, General, Young Adult, Humor, and Spiritual. Name: Normally Odd; formerly, Sophomoric Sage About me: I'm short, I'm sweet and I love to eat Nutella by itself. ~Update, 27 May, 2008~ I have been beyond extremely busy for...oh, the past year and a half? No new writings that are solid enough to put up yet, but there will be soon. Really. I have also taken a few down for editing, so if it's on here the profile, it may not actually be listed as a link and vice versa. I may be posting some snippets I've had - short little ditties - to check out and read. I apologize to those authors that I have on my favorites, because I do read most of the works, I just have not had enough time to write a review. Hopefully when summer rolls around finally I will do just that. :-) Thanks for hanging in there, I appreciate it. ~Update, 2 January, 2009~ I have changed my penname; I used to be known as Sophomoric Sage. As I have grown older and wiser, I believe it's time for a change, hence the new name. I will be adding more materials as I write them, but they probably will not involve romance anymore. ~Update, 27 January 2010~ I have knack for updating this profile once a year, apparently. I have a story that's been knocking on my muse's door for quite some time. A chapter will be up. Eventually. Also, I will try to continue/revising older works. Currently Writing: -Shoes and Souls for Sale- Completions: Perfect Woman He watched her silently, from the aisle of books right behind her. Fluff. Snapshots click. Letting Go He kisses me softly, his lips warm and soft. Wine Stains The glass of wine fell onto the carpet, leaving a crimson trail by the table. Bridget This is the part where a guy is supposed to say something romantic, right? Right. Well, somehow I have the unfortunate ability to say the wrong things at the wrong moment... The Chase It was fruitless. Pointless. Not worth it. But she chased him anyway. Temptation It is invisible seduction. Touch the Glass A piece of ice that never melts. Music I lose all control. Carry Me Across These Waters How long must I linger in this sea of lies? I cannot bear these temptations alone. |
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