Author has written 21 stories for Life, Family, General, War, and Humor. here is all you'll ever need to know about me: . EDIT: okay, okay, so that's a little mysterious. so here's some facts. i'm thirteen years old. i like to read. i like to write. you will rarely find me without either my nose in a book (ranging from The Very Hungry Caterpillar to a college psychology textbook no joke; i read three of them when i was twelve) or scribbling furiously in a composition notebook. it can get quite irritating to other people, to tell you the truth. i. like. school. i am a nerd. me and capital letters do not mix. uhm yea i think that covers the basics. if for whatever reason you'd like to know more about me or even just vent my email is monty-python@, which also happens to be my MSN screen name. shine on, you crazy diamonds. peace out. and thanks for all the fish. P.S. -- a major major thank you to anyone who has ever taken the time to review my stuff. it truly means a lot. |