Author has written 1 story for Romance. Started a story "My Kitty" It's about 16 year old Reina and she is all alone. She has no family. A fairy turns her into a cat/human and helps her find a home. The guy she finds a home with has a secret of his own. But it doesn't end there, he walks in on her in human form. But will he believe what his eyes tell him, or will he believe he imagined it. Read to find out! 8-23-08 ~ Wow, it's been quite a while since i've last been on here. (it was weird, i was reading my story, i was wonder to myself 'what's going to happen?' i couldn't remember) i'm going to see if i can find my notbook back... i want to try to continue this story... i don't know if i can but i'll really try. It'll be a week or so if i get on it. ~~if anyone wants to, you can message me with any suggestions for my story~~ 11-o3-o5 ~ I updated the story Chapter 5 Surprise is ready for your enjoyment. Pretty please review once reading the story. Kisses! ;o 1o-19-o5 ~ You all should be happy to here I will be updating my story soon. I have it written down enough for at least two chapters. As soon as I get a few more reviews I'll give you all chapter 5! Thank You. And remember... If you don't review, I don't know what you think of my story. So please R&R even if you just want to just say something really short such as 'good', 'liked it', whatever. ;D 1o-15-o5 ~ I have posted chapter 4 of "My Kitty" please go and read my story! Arigato! ;) 1o-1o-o5 ~ sumimasen (sorry)! Writing isn't one of my top passions. (Theatre, Anime, Manga, and games) but I do enjoy writing occationally. I'm workin on chapter 4 right now. I have about 1000 words, I'll try to get it posted within the week! Thank you for all of you that have reviewed, it's what really helps to motivate me to write more! Arigato (thank you) Love Ya All! ;D 7-25-o5 ~ Very sorry. I promised to post it yesterday. But right now it is 1:45 central time)in the morning. So I was pretty close but, I did add some more of the story right before posting it so I hope you enjoy. Please R&R! 7-22-o5 ~ My Birthday!! Sweet Sixteen! jumps for joy I love being sixteen. I can drive, I have a car that needs a little work. Sorry to those still waiting for a update on my story. I'm really really close to posting it. I'm trying to make the chapters a little longer than I made the first two. ;) Check in just a few days (two days max) I promise I'll have it posted! 6-31-o5 _-_ 7-18-o5 ~ I'll be on vacation. (very sorry to keep you hanging) I know I should have updated earlier (i'm in juneau alaska, but there's not to much snow here, only on the mountains.) I'll be sure to update within a few days of my return. (thank you for your patience!) 6-10-05 ~ Chapter 2: New Home |