Author has written 15 stories for Fantasy, Spiritual, General, Supernatural, Fable, Romance, Humor, and Essay.
Hallo! Is Kella. One thing I must say: The reason for my pen name is that if you spell Kella Trams backwards, it's Smart Allek.
Okay I have more to say now. I'm 16 years old and I'm really glad I found this site cause it's getting me back into the mood to write. I have started writing more short stories than poetry. But, as I have a large collection of poetry, plays, and songs, I have moved it to a separate account, Moppish. Check it out if you get the chance.
Thankyou all so much for your reviews! I was all happy when people started reviewing me, cause I only knew one person on this site. It made me feel all popular :-P I really appreciate all your reviews, cause it shows you me you took the time to sit and read my work and then respond to it. Thankyou all so much.
Hobbies! Besides writing: Singing and music are basically my life. I go to school, I sing, I go to some more classes, I sing, I go home, I sing, I do homework, then I go to a rehearsal for whatever musical I'm in and I sing there. I also love acting, well, performing in general, which combined with my love for singing turns into an obsession for musical theater. It's my dream to play Christine in Phantom of the Opera someday, one I fully expect to achieve. I love school, including math (I'm thinking of maybe becoming a math teacher, as wacky as it may sound) and some history.
Stories in Progress:
Devil's Day: By far, my largest and most complicated story. Devil's day is infact a a retelling of World War 2. It stretches things in some places but in other places it is very accurate, right down to the names that have been slightly altered. Points of interest? Hitler is a female fairy. Sleeping beauty is the son of Stalin. That's as much as I'll say. The rest you'll have to discover by reading it. I have around 22 chapters of it written (it's still not finished) and I'm posting them as I edit them.
Haunted: Now Finished! One of my better stories, in my opinion. The story of a girl whose stories and dreams becomes reality. Based on true events with some fiction thrown in there. Bet you can't guess what is true and what's not :-P This a story I'm going to be revising and reworking a lot so suggestions are very welcome. And plus I have to finish writing it period. Tell me what you think. Btw,I'll give a cookie to anyone who has noticed a pattern with the chapter titles and the names of the main characters yet. Hint: recent musical theater.
The Prince's Valet: Because I was recently in a production of Cinderella, it makes sense that a while ago I had a Cinderella dream. And this dream gave me the idea for this story. I'm trying to mix up the plot and characters, rather than the setting, which is the common way of redoing Fairytales. I'm still working on figuring out the plot, and that's why I have so little of the story posted. Most of it is in my head still. I hope to update it soon.
My Broken Mirror: An abstract and very personal piece. I've decided that I want to rework it, because coming back to it several months after writing, I believe that it could be much better. I hope to post the updated version soon.
One more thing. Please feel free to email me! As we can't chat through the reviews, I'd be happy to chat through email if you feel the urge to. I hope you all enjoy what I've shown, and please review review review!
Current stage of Devil's Day: So... I was seriously bored and I edited like three chapters. Now chapters 17, 18, AND 19 are up. 17 gets points for creativity. 18 needs work but the ending is good, I hope. Sad though. I like 19 a lot. Like I said before, Marsi will probably come back into the picture eventually. So dont' fret that I've changed perspectives and settings again. Enjoy (11:27 PM, 3/31/06)
Current stage of Haunted: AAAAaand it's done! Last chapter is up and done, and I updated chapter 4 a little as well. Yay! Finished. I'm probably gonna go back and do a little editing here and there later for basically, it is finished. Finally. *sighs* Tell me what you think. (12:01 AM, 12/ 19/05)
New Story! Just Words: So, this didn't turn out quite as I wanted it to, but it's okay anyways. It's got some good bits to it. It's about this young woman whose live has changed drastically since she left her boyfriend and one day he appears on her doorstep. I tried to give it a moral but I think it kinda failed. :-P Suggestions deffinitely welcome. I'd like to make it better, but I probably won't put a whole lot of energy into it seeing as I have so many other things to work on. Hope you enjoy it anyways. (2:21 PM, 11/25/05)