Author has written 34 stories for General, Romance, Young Adult, Life, General, Humor, Love, and Friendship. OK. Well, I guess it's about time that I start being completely truthful with all of you out there who read my stuff (for which I am ever so grateful!) Name: Ydnil (backwards... for paranoia's sake...) News: Stories: Net Girl in Reality: (fondly known as NGIR). Leah is me. All conversations and feelings and everything in this is real, but sometimes slightly exaggerated. It'd die if some people knew that this was me. But I don't really mind so much anymore. It's better to be truthful, I say. STATUS: COMPLETE (38 chapters)/ REMOVED Problems With I'm Sorry: One night and two words can really change your life. It changed Alexandra's. STATUS: COMPLETE (one-shot) Words Of A Broken Heart: Something that is somewhat related to me. But I'm not too sure. STATUS: COMPLETE (one-shot) I Saw You Today: About seeing that guy, the one that I tried to forget about, after a year. STATUS: COMPLETE (one-shot) One Step To Falling: Concept similar to something that happened to me. Carrie and Anthony: friends. Now he's just asked out the girl of his dreams and she's falling. STATUS: COMPLETE (one-shot) Never Stop Falling: Kind of like a sequel to OSTF, with the same characters. Not exactly what happened to me,but I felt like writing to kind of vent out what did. STATUS: COMPETE (one-shot) Let Me Go: A random short piece that I wrote, that is basically about Grade Sport trials and my objections to trying out. It all just left me in a rut in the end. STATUS: COMPLETE (one-shot) Confusion Reigns: Coming back from Church Camp, it's about the same guy as in ISYT and yeah. Kind of why I've decided to end NGIR now, instead of later. STATUS: COMPLETE (one-shot) Photos and Memories: Ally is looking through some formal photos. Maybe memories aren't as great as some people make them out to be. STATUS: COMPLETE (one-shot) Regretful Night: Abby and her formal. Sometimes maybe it was just better to let it all go, no regrets. Because if you don't, then you end up regretting. STATUS: COMPLETE (one-shot) But: Sometimes it's just trying to find the words to say. So why does the word 'but' keep coming to mind? STATUS: COMPLETE (one-shot) A Bitter Christmas: For her, this Christmas is just another ordinary day. It's a day that will be just like yesterday, and a day just like tomorrow. STATUS: COMPLETE (one-shot) Last Thing On My Mind: Kristina's best friend, Marty, has just died. So the last thing she expects to be confronted with is a romance, especially in the form of Jaiden. STATUS: IN PROGRESS (2\5 chapters) Trucker Hat: There goes that whole best friends cliché all over again. STATUS: COMPLETE (one-shot) And So It Was: Another lovely cliché. Girl falls for brother's best friend. And of course there's a happy ending! STATUS: COMPLETE (one-shot) Maybe Tonight: There's always a first time for eveything. Will tonight be the night that she cries? STATUS: COMPLETE (one-shot) Not Normal: Two very different people... STATUS:ON HOLD (2 chapters) DELETED 17/4 - It is on massive hold, and I have not looked at it since I posted it, so I deleted it and it shall be back when i think it should be back. The Past That Followed (take #one): Written for English; What starts of to be a disappointing day... STATUS: COMPLETE (one-shot) The Past That Followed (take #two): Written for English; A song that continues through all generations... STATUS: COMPLETE (one-shot) WiRED: Alexia has just fallen head first into a heart-fluttering mess of boys. How many? Only time will tell! STATUS: IN PROGRESS (2 chapters) Flash: Hot and cold feelings. Moments in time, differences... STATUS: COMPLETE (one-shot) Petty Poems: Unrequited love... pure silliness this one is. STATUS: COMPLETE (one-shot) The Invisible Cord: Elements of real incorporated with the invisible. How does the cord hold them together? STATUS: COMPLETE (one-shot) Poems: PainRageHurtDisgust: Something happened to a close family friend of ours. I wrote this a couple of hours after I found out, when it was all beginning to sink in. Time Tripping, into the future: Just a piece I wrote about the future, for English. In This Chair: For ages, I've been forced to do something that I don't want to do. And sitting there, I scribbled this down. Mistakes and Misunderstandings: Screwed up big time, so now I have to do something that was always in the back of my mind. Earthquake, Aftershocks and Walls: This is related to Mistakes and Misunderstandings, just that there's more to the whole story now. Ramblings.: Just something I wrote early in the morning, after some very stilted late night conversations. One Night: Where it seems like anything that happens on that one night could just change everything. So Now I Cry: I just don't want to talk about it... The end? Heart Art: A metaphor for life... I want to submit this into a poetry competition. What do you think? Just Leave Me Alone: What he said... what I'm trying to do. Squeak: Mousing through life... Endless Cycle: There's just been a lot going on and now I think I just... don't know what to do. So yeah... that's me and my stuff. I would do favourites and everything... but you can take a look at my other pen name=) Links: See website: http:///misselty WiRED: Alexia's Livejournal And just a mention for the SKoW awards Changes in Time then everything stops ~xox Last Updated: Thursday 28th September 2006 |