Author has written 35 stories for Humor, Horror, Life, Supernatural, Humor, School, Love, Friendship, Song, and Thriller. Formerly: BitterSweet1991 & Mystified Irony I picked The Fouth Fate because you know the Three Fates from greek mythology? Well I decided I want to be the fourth. Possibly soon to be Spin Cyclone Girl... look out. she'll tear through you and you won't even know what hit you. Before you even look at my writing, I want you to k n o w. I believe in reviewing back. You h i t me up, I h i t you. FictionPress is a communinty, I think. Sometimes I do you a favor, sometimes you do me a favor. Not everyone knows each other, but everyone has one thing in common. .We.a l l.write. Me i am Nothing you've ever seen before. i am Absolutely chaotic. i am Over your current obsession. i am More alive right now than i’ve ever been. i am In love with life. i am a wanna be israeli princess who lives off her imagination and is completely insane but not ready to accept that. i believe in every kind of love and i’d like to think i’m best friends with g-d. i am The Fourth Fate and that’s exactly who i want to be. expect updates: A Little Too Much: Posted Part IIIV Let Me Count The Ways: Posted 29 Days - A P.o.e.t Who Didn't K.n.o.w. .i.t (Yeah, I know juggling stories is bad but ahhhh life is too short to only write one novel at once) A Few Brief Summaries Let Me Count The Ways- Melina and Bryce have been going out for six months and need to... re-evaluate. But after some careful plotting, Melina devises a list which will take over Bryce's life for the next month. Or cause him to lose the life he knows. A Little Too Much Cheri is short tempered with high expectations of life. Aiden is clumsey and clueless. Their friends, Lindsey and David, however, couldn't see them as more perfect for each other. So begins the roller coaster of romance novels. With everything in the world going for them being together, it's funny how nothing seems to be going right. Nemo Lashes Out- I know I should give up on Nemo, but I love him. He's like my dream child if I ever have one... Menacing... I think it's way too much fun to write about little kids. If you want to read something quick and laugh... Well yeah. Nemo's good for that. Burn Me- I won't even try to sum up Burn Me. It's about the pain of love and how it's like fire, everyone wants to be near it because it really does warm us up but one touch of it burns us more than anything else and leaves ever lasting scars. It sounds corny here but it truly is one of my absolute best pieces. Updates... Wow I've been missing in action. okay so um be expecting A LOT soon. school's been a bitch and FP has been on the back burner but that will change SOON. Haha and priorities has changed. I have no idea what stories I'll be working on. Probably all three? COBWC and LMCTW? ALTM? hmm. Please stay with me, I am SUPER sorry and anyone who has kept me on their favorite author's list will be getting a shit load of reviews sometime in the next month (hopefully). The Curse Of Black Water Cove is as of right now, on hold. I'm so sorry. Honestly. Problem is, I'm trying to really focus on A Little Too Much and Let Me Count The Ways (which is going SUPER thanks to all my WONDERFUL reviewers). I might go back to Curse but we'll have to wait and see. G-d I love keeping people in suspense. You're Trying To Own A Super Hero- We've got Spiderman, Spin Cyclone Girl and Fire Truck Boy so far. And I'm not really sure who's the hero here. It's Not So Hard To Be A Hero- Very new poem. I super heart it. It's very 100 percent true and near and dear to my heart. More comic book metaphors... Note to reviewers: If you've reviewed me and I still haven't gotten back to you, will you just leave me a new review and say at the end "ps-you owe me two now" or something because that way I know who to reivew? I really do want to respond to everyone because I super heart you guys so just lemme know. Love, The Fourth Fate |