Author has written 9 stories for General, Essay, and Romance. Hello. Thank you for hopefully reading my stories and also liking them. I'm 18 years old now which is crazy. I appreciate every single thing of feedback I have ever gotten on this site. I know that it's easy not to review so I thank those who do. I'll try to review your work too since that's only fair but I'll definitely reply to you. Writing wise, I know I have some work to do (everyone could use some work right?) so I'm approaching it modestly. I try for my characters to have depth and not seem like superficial biddies. If something doesn't seem realistic, it's ok to call me out on it. I'll appreciate it and probably hound you for details. Currently Working On Character Pictures Avis Portman: This is British actress Carey Mulligan. She's not a perfect match since she lacks the green eyes but she does have brown hair. She seems petite which is important since I always imagined Avis to a very small person, someone who looks like you could easily pick her up and carry her away. Another reason why I like this picture of Carey Mulligan is while it shows that she's pretty, she's not particularly eye catching. Avis is a cute girl (this is Hollywood after all) but combined with her quieter nature and constant working, doesn't stand out in a crowd. Wesley Finch: Physically, Jim Sturgess is perfect as Wes if only he had blue eyes. His hair brushes his face perfectly (although Wes trimmed his hair for the role) and his build is what I imagined also: lean, tall, and probably considered skinny compared to other actors. These pictures show him as adorably playful but I think this one shows the intense part of Wes well since most of the scenes with him are pretty heated. Annalise Donnelly: Who else? Blake Lively is a tall blond who is exactly (or at least she plays) the characteristics that Annalise has: energetic, fun loving, and ultimately a good friend to Avis. Ben Leibowitz: Hugh Dancy may fit better than my previous choice, Adam Brody. Although he's not as lanky as I picture Ben, his face fits. I could picture him being more serious than Adam Brody. John Kim: This is South Korean actor, Kim Bum who is starring on Boys Over Flowers right now. I actually decided John's appearance based on Kim Bum's so this is exactly how I imagine him. Plus he gives off the wealthy, business vibe quite well even though the character he plays comes from a family of wealthy artists. Finished The Truth About Teachers: The title is pretty self explanatory. It's about teachers and my views about them. The Aftermath: I was clearly going through a teacher writing phase when I wrote this. I was pondering the teacher-student relationship and while it seems like you may be close to your teacher now, do they ever think about you when you're not there to see them everyday? It took a sad turn and this story is the result. The Opposite of an Epiphany: This was inspired by a prompt for a story writing contest that I was thinking of entering. All you had to do was write a story about religion in any way possible and as someone who is not particularly religious (yet finds the influence of it interesting), the only way I could see a nonbeliever questioning his faith is if he knew that he was going to die. Sometimes, I think about expanding this story but I finally concluded that this story is done. I really like now cynical and snarky the narrator turned out to be. Father of the Bride: Written for the Review Game's January Writing Challenge. Andrew McCarthy, you ruined my life: Written and dedicated to my friend. When I first thought of the plot, I had a major crush on Andrew McCarthy and imagined a girl with a similar one. The names, Emma and Caden, are my friend's two favorite names. |