Author has written 8 stories for Romance, Love, General, and General. Sept. 18th, 2007 Hello! I'm a 18 year old girl and I live in Georgia. I'm into slash and femslash, so I'm posting some stuff here. One-chapter PWP's and stuff like that. I'll also post any poetry of mine. Most of it won't be gay-related. If you aren't into gay/lesbian stuff don't complain to me. I'm not forcing you to read my stories. That's your fault. So... If you do want to read my stuff, I've been told it's really good. Favorite quote: "Anyone can give up, Akhor. It is as easy as death. But both death and defeat will find us all soon enough. Fight while you can with all your strength, and choose life over death as long as you are able." -Shikrar, p.227 of The Lesser Kindred by Elizabeth Kerner. Please read and review my stuff, I really appreciate it. Constructive criticism is fine, but flames are pointless and will only be shot down without mercy. Have a nice day! |