Author has written 3 stories for Young Adult, and Supernatural. Welcome... welcome... enjoy the show.. Thank you for taking your precious time to read my little blurb about me. Sorry to waste your time for I am very uninteresting.. particularly at this point in my life. lol I am around the lovely age of 20... when I'm supposed to be growing up and out of the crazy teen years... HAH like that's gonna happen for a while. me? grown up? you wish. I really don't have a whole lot to say this time around.. My last profile blurb was very long... it needed updating badly (3 years old...). As for the writing scene... I am currently working with Souls-and-Turkey-Cafe on a lovely little piece which will soon be up... once I get my butt in gear and write! What with university life for both of us... it is quite a difficult thing to do. Considering I'm an English major and continually have the evilest papers due. Papers are NOT my forte. Another piece that I'm currently working on is a lovely Vampire story that I am doing for my Creative Writing: Fiction class. I love it so far!! Hopefully I should finish that soon... I may end up making it a longer story.. but as it is it'll be a longish short story. Maybe something like a Novella? :3 I have just added a little story I wrote for my Creative Writing class that I'm actually fairly happy with. It's a little on the depressing side... but I love it. I started out with just the sound of a clock ticking in my head.. mulled on that for a while. Then during a 2 hour drive home one day I kept getting images in my head for this story and so I had to try to write in my little notebook while driving.. VERY difficult. . . I don't ever suggest doing that. Ever. ANYWAYS. This story was completed while listening to the song "Still Doll" by Kanon Wakashima . . . the music really has the atmosphere I was going for so it worked pretty well! All in all, pretty happy with it :) My old sad little attempt at writing.. the Renald High one.. well. I doubt I shall be continuing it ever. I'm keeping it around for now, however, just in case I have a little flash of insight or something. Not likely though. My poetry is scattered throughout the net.. it will never be here... sorry. Maybe if I write something new. As it is.. I hope to have that one story up soon! And to give you a little teaser.. although it isn't much right now because I don't have any of it on this computer . ... The story is entitled... ...drumroll... Price of a Kiss By the way... Steal anything of mine... and you DIE! aka... I take legal action. . or just send an assassin... whichever is easier/cheaper/most effective. The only exception is for RH:SNG. For that... if you want to finish it or something.. just ask first and I'll consider it. |
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