Author has written 19 stories for Fantasy, Life, General, General, Humor, Love, and Young Adult. . About me... I've not updated this in several years and have only just logged onto Fictionpress now (August 2014). Apologies to the messages that have been sat in my inbox for 18 months without being read! I plan to be far more active on here - logging in at least once a week! I'm female, live in the UK, currently twenty five (d.o.b is 23rd February 1989), and work in Marketing and Communications. A large chunk of my job is reading, editing and re-writing copy from other people, so I'd like to think I've a relatively good eye for spelling and grammar. I ADORE writing, always have, but life and work do get in the way sometimes. Much like the time dedicated to reading, I've not written anywhere near as often as I'd like. I'd love to actually finish one of my novels, and tend to use NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month - November) as practice. I participated for the first time in 2013 and hit my 50,000 word target on the last day! I will be trying again in 2014 and will provide a link to my profile there for those interested in being writing buddies, or those who are just curious. http:///participants/rhea-valente Rhea Valente has been my online pen name for a number of years, and it is the name I will use here. I used to roleplay quite a lot on Gaiaonline to keep in shape, and would probably be back there if the site hadn't gone downhill so quickly. Should you need to contact me for any reason, my email address would be best: rheavalente@ I'm also happy to Beta, just drop me a message or email first! My preference is fantasy, as it is my favourite genre to write in, but I will probably be able to Beta most genres. If, for any reason, I cannot or do not want to Beta your story, I will let you know. Please only send me one chapter at a time, unless they are incredibly short! Please note that I was very young when I wrote the below, and they are not a true reflection of my current ability. I want to get back into writing more frequently, and may well add this year's NaNo to fictionpress in it's raw, unedited form. (No doubt I'll come back and re-visit this with full edits!) Rhea |