Author has written 1 story for Romance. Name: Anna Nicknames: SK, star or just call me Anna. whatever, you pick. But never call me Ann!!I hate when people do that! No, i have nothing against the name ^^;! I just don't like being called it because you know, I dont even think Ann is short for Anna. They're like 2 completely different names...ok, I'm going to stop there before I start rambling Hair: long, brown Age: 14 Eyes: sometimes brown, sometimes green, usually hazel. They change, which is a little weird but i guess its cool. About myself: well, i love to write (obviously since I have an account here). I have another account at (same name) and I decided to come here because I had an idea for an original series and i thought it would be more appreciated here then there since it is mostly anime.I have many passions: I love to dance, I love music and I love to write. I also will play either field hockey or laccross soon, but I havent decided which. Umm, I guess thats about it. If you want to know more, all you have to do is ask! ^^ |