Author has written 6 stories for Fantasy, and Horror. I created an account on FP when I was -- what?, 14? I'm 17 now, and I dabble in fiction every now and again -- usually when NaNoWriMo comes around the corner. I roleplay and write for enjoyment and I stress myself out studying for exams (or rather procrastinating to study for exams) at other times -- my other interests include art, web design and drama, but I'm no pro in any of those fields. I like to think of myself as intelligent but I can come off as condescending -- when con/critting I tend to be either really harsh or really, really sucking up. Sorry! If you're looking for regular updates, you're in the wrong place. =D Stories: Hiatus: A Vampire's Tale Done: A Business Meeting Battle Witch The Haunted Mill Pyromaniac |