Author has written 16 stories for Young Adult, Romance, Humor, General, and Spiritual.
"...and in the world beyond the tale
we turn the page or close the book
and resume our lives. a life that is, like any other,
unlike any other." ;; neil gaiman
23 (and counting)
lankan (representin')
anti-war (watch out, i bite)
loud (but reflective)
buddhist (and proud)
writer (words fascinate me)
actress (the world is my f.cking stage!)
outgoing (insane?)
sister (to two crazy young men)
daughter (to a beautiful mother)
blessed (with mommy's eyes and smile)
unique (don't f.cking label me)
musical (lalalaaa)
in Love (with David Findlay)
born (to the Scorpio)
creative (or so i'm told)
bold (i will say & write what i want)
unafraid (go on, dare me)
different (i like to think)
believer (in magic)
survivor (just try to beat me down)
reader (i love getting lost in the pages)
emotional (i love you)
sadani (when i'm in deep s.hit)
baby girl (when i'm not)
sadie (by my friends)
babe (when he talks to me)
I am a Disney princess
Stories in Progress
- Incest It's All Relative (Rated M)
- A Love is Immortalized (Rated M)
- Lips of an Angel (Rated T)
"whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same." ;; emily brontë
live it Up. drink it Down.
(we need never be Hopeless.)
"remember who you are" ;; the lion king
draw a line
and live above it
live without worries
& love without limits.
"if music be the food of love; play on." - w.s.
love, and we'll dance