Author has written 2 stories for Fantasy, and Romance. Stories is under the works. DO NOT READ. I'm ..trying... to fix The Lost City and probably Save The Whales before continuing these trainwrecks. I might uploading other stories too, so yahoo. But yeah, I'm sorry to whatever fans I have out there and I'll try my hardest. : BEWARE: The Lost City was a hunk of junk I wrote when I was eleven. I'm currently trying to rewrite it and it will be up in the ..future. IT'S CORNY TO THE INFINITE DEGREE, DO NOT READ. BEWARE: Save The Whales is on hiatus. I apologize deeply. I seriously haven't been writing what with school and life and all. But when I do, I'm all out of brain farts. Life just sucks a lot like that sometimes. Anywho, this entire account is in the works. Me, my stories, and everything else. Have a good day. |