Author has written 5 stories for Supernatural, and Fantasy.
Life obliges me to do something, so I write, I read, I dabble
little in singing as well. Scratch the surface, and what would you find
other than a teenage girl who doesn't know up from down, or jelly from
jam, and is just trying to make her way in the world, maybe hoping to
make a few laugh, and smile on the way. And me in a nutshell. Whoo.
I do so adore the mad creations that sprout from the garden that is my
mind, don't you? Well, not if you don't understand them, I suppose. I
might put a story or two in here involving characters from other
stories, or other plotlines - small moments of their lives, so to say.
So if you don't understand: don't worry. You're not alone.
Also, if we have noticed (and if we are even still reading), we are
sporadic with updates. Whoo, go us.