Author has written 1 story for General. Hey there! This is no work of art; this is merely an attempt at a profile. To those who might have been waiting for me to post another story, or to whom I owe about a million reviews, my sincerest apologies. I haven't written a single line in forever. What can I say? Life's been overwhelming, not in a bad way, mind you, but that's the whole truth. I am, however, looking forward to posting a new story in the near future. Name: Chibicherrychan. I can't remember why though, and that fact is justified by the following: Age: I’m 23. That's right, I'm getting a little older every day. I fear my memory is failing me. My little self: I'm a translation graduate... without a job. And I'm still not sure what I want to do with myself yet. I speak English and French. I took one Japanese and one Spanish class, but my old age prohibits my retaining much information from either one of them. Obviously, like everyone else posting on this site, I love writing. However, I tend to start writing something and simply never finish it. Pathetic is the only thing I have ever finished. However, I am looking into posting my other story in spite of the not-yet-existent ending. I really hope that one will come back to me by the time I get there in my posting. Pathetic: It’s basically about overcoming hardships. It’s two men trying to live despite their past and other obstacles like everybody has to. I can’t tell you it’s a beautiful story because I’m biased, but you could read it and tell me what you think of it. The narrator’s name is Denim. We find that out soon enough. I know, it’s weird, so Ithought I ought to explain why I called him that. See, I needed something rough, not quite refined. Denim is an old type of fabric originally used by workers – in mines or fields, I don’t remember – the point is, I chose it for what it represents. My character is supposed to be quite down to earth, rather strong, resistant and reliable. “Denim” simply fit my vision of the character. --I should have replied to every review I recieved, so if I haven't replied to you, please, send me an e-mail of complaint, and I will rectify the situation.-- Do You Cry at Night: (To be posted) A very wise author once told me, "we forever write about the same thing." So, I guess, this piece is also about overcoming hardships. It shows the interrelation between four brothers, their family, friends and lovers. I wasn't aiming for beautiful with this story, so expect something a little more chaotic. Also, feel free to e-mail me for whatever reason; I'm always happy to get mail. Enjoy! Chibicherrychan |