Author has written 1 story for Romance. Welcome to my Profile! I guess you want to know some things about me...please? Well here it is anyway, Bands: Some of my favorite bands that I can think of off the top of my head are the following. My Chemical Romnace, The All American Rejects, Aerosmith, AC DC, Akon, Alkaline Trio, Fall Out Boy, Relient K, Weezer, System of a Down, Nickel Back, Guns and Roses, Dave Matthews Band, Rooney, YellowCard, Avengesevenfold, Atreyu, Coheed and Cambria, HIM, Jack Johnson, Panic! At the Disco, The Strokes, Hawthorne Heights, Gwen Stefani, Madonna, The Veronica's,and countless others. Those are just some of my favorite bands but really I like all kinds of music. Favorite things to do would have to be... Role Playing ( I belong to a few sites at the moment, and I also have my own ) Listening to music ( But I already told you about how much I like that ) Hanging out with friends ( I have lots of friends that I love to do stuff with, WHEN we have plans ) Writing definitly ( Why would have I joined if I did'nt ) Art ( I love to draw a lot of stuff, and escpecially from one extreme of art to another ) Travel ( Travelling the world is a dream of mine, I have reached two continents at the present time. America ( North ), and Asia ) Reading ( I am definitly what you would proably call a book worm. Even I think I read too much for my own good, or do I? Dun dun dun...! ) My favorite things & stuff about ME! I love to read graphic novels, and my favorites of all time right now are: Gravitation (&) Immortal Rain (&) Legal Drug I listen to music constantly! I 3 MUSIC! When I ask people I meet, "Do you listen to music? Like what's your favorite band? Favorite radio station?" And then they look at me like I have three heads and say, "I don't listen to music." And look at me like I'm weird cause I do. I feel like choking them and telling them they're crazy. HOW CAN YOU LIVE WITHOUT SOME KIND OF MUSIC IF NOT ALL! AND SOME STUFF ABOUT ME! I am gay. I mean I haven't really come out, you could say, other than to my friends. Who I am glad I have told becasue they have been really supportive about it. It's hard in the beginning when you have come to terms with yourelf and your ready to tell everyone, and you just want them to be supportive an dcomfortable with it right away, but they end up being a little conserivetive, and set back. It is frustrating, but luckily the only one that was like that was my mom who is still coping with it.I mean I guess you could say that writing it on here is a small way of starting the process of coming out. But it's hard, because for me I am a very shy person who doesn't like to be the center of attention, OR made fun of. And I have been made of many a time before in my lifetime. Even if that is short. Haha. I want to be more of an outgoing person and not care what other people think and I have been trying small steps to get there. Which is why I think thatI might end up coming out sooner than I think. Anyway, now at the moment I have GREAT friends who support me all the way and that's all that matters. And I know they'll be there for me when I come out and need them most, and that's what else makes it a more attainable goal to reach enough courage to start telling everybody. (I TALK TO MUCH...HAHA! XD) I HATE people who are homophobic, or racist, or prejudice in any way what so ever. I mean they are just SO close minded. I makes NO sense why you would ever have to be SO close minded about ANYTHING! I mean it's just REALLY stupid. Accepting everyone is the way life is supposed to be lived and appreciated. NOT to bring someone down becasue of their beliefs, or feeling, or ways of living. If you don't like it. IGNORE IT! And MOVE on with LIFE! Another thing, I am new to this site, and a fairly imature writing style you could say. All the same, PLEASE DON"T FLAME ME! I'm new! Just please allow me constructive criticsism. Thanks, |