Author has written 4 stories for Humor, Fantasy, Horror, and Spiritual. "The Phantom of the Opera was no ghost. He was human. He had human attributes, as does everyone. He knows of hurt, pain, and misery. Yet he also knows of joy. He received joy from Christine Daae. To know his pain and suffering throughout his long life is impossible to express. Being born with a face that even his mother couldn’t love and facing a world of cruelty is what drove him underground. Underground, in his dark labyrinth, He found many things. Power over everyone who dared cross his path. But, in the end, what is power without love? "A reputation can be easily attained" a stage hand once said about Christine’s singing ability. His reputation of being a horrid monster banned him from life as we know it. The Opera Ghost fought battles within himself and with society. Cover-ups- the Angel of Music and the Opera Ghost- only made the public fear him. Could He control his evil actions? One can never tell. One thing is for sure: He was human. Humans experience birth, joy, pain -and in the end- death. The Phantom of the Opera...experienced all of these attributes to his death." Myself, discussing the Phantom of the Opera to another Phan like myself. Yeah, thatabove is me. Hi, I'm Charlotte, otherwiseknown as 'The Slate Reaper'. Hope you enojy my stories, poems or whatever else I put on here. Glad to be writing on here! |
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