HIYA! Well just a little about me, but that's what a profile is about isn't it... Anyways if you wanna know more about me you can email or IM: turboismykitty@ or heather_gar1991@ (This is the one I use mainly) Personal info: Name: Heather Age: 19 DoB: 08/31/1991 Education: Highschool and in College Other names: On Quizilla the name is GGninja15, just so you know that if you see the same story there, it's not copied that is me. haha! Also I'll either use the GGninja15 or SxRninja as profile names. If you see any other name using my stories just an FYI it's not me and you should report them to me ASAP!! Favorites: Movies: Anything scary, Two weeks notice (I like Sandra Bulock), Underworld I (the second one was kinda bleh, fans you can kill me later), The Matrix, Princess Diaries I & II, Dodgeball: An underdog story, Twister, Jurassic Park, Transformers, TMNT, Blades of Glory, Night at the Museum, Silent Hill (not as good as games), Count of Monte Crisco, Man in an Iron Mask, FAvorite Arthors: James Patterson, Janet Evonovich, Nora Roberts, Patricia Briggs, Holly Black, Clement-Davis, and much more. I guess I'll add more as I see fit. Video Games: I'm not too picky. I've not had the time to do much with video games =(. We did get a PS3 and a Wii so I've been playing Silent hill: Homecoming for the PS3 and Zelda for the Wii. They are the games I'm interested in at the moment. If I beat them I'll let you know. Honestly I believe I'm stuck in Silent Hill, it's ridiculous I've got to find an ax and an ungodly number of keys. I'll get to them eventually. Business: Stories: Ashilya's Tale 12/29/10 - Chapter three is on it's way. I'm packing and getting ready for my trip to Florida at the moment. It's home to me so that's my top priority. So I'll try to leave you guys with an update before I go though. So that means chapter three will be done or will be partially done and when I get back on the 5th it'll be posted. Just an FYI my characters are about to grow up. I hate time jumping but for you to really get a feel of Ashliya you need to see her as a child. I love writing her. She's my favorite. Though I am going to be doing all of the Phallen Ridge Pack Tales. Just another FYI. So I'll keep you updated! Request Yes I take request, maybe some holiday one shots?! If you want to help challenge me a little bit then please request away. I'll try to get your Request done soon, because I have to keep updating the Phallen Ridge Tale's as well. Just message me a summary of what you want or something along the lines of that and I'll manage to squeeze your Request in! Plus I need something to do. Well that is just about it! And I love to review and get reviews in return. I return reviews too! Because I'm just a nice person like that. So review and I'll be sure to add my thoughts on your story. Unless your like me and take forever in a year to get something put up :) See ya! Heather |