Author has written 112 stories for General, Life, War, Spiritual, Nature, Friendship, Romance, Mystery, Essay, Love, Song, Haiku, General, Politics, Biography, Humor, Family, and Work. Hey I'm Mez, that's really one of my many nick names, if you're interested, another nickname is Maroon which i'm called at home. Anyhow, i've been writing silly songs since the age of 10 and have always had a genuine interest, no LOVE, for Literature and writing and extending my imagination/emotions. There are some great people in this site, all of whom are beautifully original. You will notice i detest all people that put on a facade and follow 'the crowd', i like a rebellion that isn't afraid of being something different and original, someone that truly is not afraid of themselves. Ok, now that i have bored you with nonsense, here's something that might make more sense: I'm 17, at college, a little bit of a covert mysoginist at times, slightly reserved, sensitive and obviously into poetry etc. If i puzzle you in my writing don't be surprised, i write about things people can't really explain and neither can i so puzzling you is rather intentional, if i may so, arrogantly. interests: poetry, writing, music ( jazz, Rock, indie, blues, etc), HOCKEY, philosophical books, i,e, paolo coehlo, tragedy, i.e. hardy, dickens, and 'literature'/period i.e. jane austen, and the brontes, thackery etc. i always love a little debate too. nowadays i don't make sense when i'm arguing about a concept but i can be arguementative and hilariously stubborn about my views and beliefs when i know what i'm talking about. feminism rocks! women ought to rule the world! My favourite qoutes: 'I have many miles on foot to fare' 'A dead man is better than a tortured man who grives plentiful of something worthless' 'A mind is like a wound, if it's too open it gets infected' ‘The only superiority in women that is tolerable to the rival sex is, as a rule, that of the unconscious kind; but a superiority which recognises itself may sometimes please by suggesting possibilities of capture to the subordinate man.’ HARDY, ‘FAR FROM THE MADDING CROWD’ ‘Love being an extremely exacting usurer (a sense of exorbitant profit, spiritually, by an exchange of hearts, being at the bottom of pure passions, as that of exorbitant profit, bodily or materially, is at the bottom of those of lower atmosphere),’ HARDY, ‘FAR FROM THE MADDING CROWD’ and how could i possibly forget- favourites books: Pride and Prejudice Emma Nelson Mandela's Long Walk To Freedom Sense and sensibilty Jane Eyre Far From The Madding Crowd midsummer nights dream much ado about nothing taming of the shrew The Summons Cranberry Queen Naughts and Crosses Roll of thunder, hear my cry Return of the Native |