Author has written 10 stories for Supernatural, General, Fantasy, General, and Young Adult. Hey anyone and everyone!!! Please feel free to read and review my stories. I need you todo so, sothat I'll know whether my story is a total piece of crap or not. About Me: I'm just some crazy chick who loves to write stories(preferably about vamps). I'm 15 yrs old. Um,I'm gonna be a sophmorein high school. I actually don't read a whole lot, but i'd probably have to say that my fav writer is Anne Rice. I LIVE for music. Fav Bands: HIM, Lacuna Coil, Smile Empty Soul, Disturbed, Trapt, Staind, System of a Down, Kill Hannah, NIN, Mudvayne, etc. When I'm not writting and/or listening to music, then I'm most likely watching tv or movies. Fav shows: Viva La Bam, Jackass, House, Bones, That 70's Show, etc. Fav Movies: Pirates of the Carribean, Queen of the Damned, Interview w/ the Vampire, Lost Boys, Bio Dome, Monty Python & the Holy Grail, The Goonies, Lord of the Rings, etc Anyways, if you want to know more about me, talk to me, or whatever, then you can visit me on xanga at: http:///Ranger_Bob495 I started writing The Poison Kiss about a year ago. It is completely different now from what it was when I started. I had previously written all the way to Ch. 7 when I realized that I wanted to take the story in a new direction. So, I have started the tedious task of re-writing. But during this time I have grown tired of the story(you would too if you've been working on the same story for this long), so I started writing another one. This is where The Heartless comes in. I actually only started writing The Heartless a week or so ago(it's 2/24/06 right now). I like the way that I am writing it and wish to continue with it. So I hope to write a fairly good amount and try to post new chapters within a tasteful amount of time. Anyways, either way, I hope that you will grow to like my writing. I shall bid you ado and talk to you later!! ;) So, I just started writing a new story calledMy Dark Angel. And I really like it. It's a short story but I'm planning on making a series of related short stories with that being the base story, if you will. But I want to make them where you don't have to read them in order to get them. So that'll make it a little bit of a challenge, but I don't mind. ^_^ |