Author has written 12 stories for Love, Life, and Religion. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder... I write for pleasure and I enjoy it when I'm not facing bouts of extreme writer's block. It seems like poetry is the only thing I can produce since I haven't written down my ideas into stories. Never-the-less, Ihave funsharing what I have created whether anyone cares to read it or not. Now I have recently discovered my hidden talent of writing poems and now it has surfaced. I have written a ton of poems and stories and and hopefully a they will be published one day. Love and friendship have inspired many of my poems and I tend to lean in the drama category. Why? I can't find the words to say in order to explain - there really are none since what I do is me atleast. Many do see me as morbid butI don't have to agree with them. My heart belongs with my down-to-earth boyfriend, Hatter. He brings me such joy and lights up my life. Valentines Day 2006 will be the first I will be spending it with someone. I have written a poem for Hatter titled Mad World. Name. Emily. Pen Name. x Blue Orchid x. Age. 19. Hometown. Phoenix, AZ. Occupation. Poor college student/Sales associate. Likes. Acting, listening to music, playing the piano, writing poetry (obviously), comedy, fantasy genre, anime, spending time with Matthew, hanging out with friends, playing with my little sister, wreaking havoc, roleplay, singing in the shower, being random, etc. Dislikes. Math, typos, writers block, "web chat" language...and much MUCH more! REVIEWS ARE GREATLY LOVED!!! |