Author has written 22 stories for Fantasy, Young Adult, Love, General, Life, Fantasy, Friendship, and Nature. Wow, I haven't been on here in a while. Years actually. I was still in high school the last time I posted something (by the looks of these dates still in grade 10 or maybe 11). Its not that I haven't been writing, I have been. I just haven't had anything writable to put on here. Or anywhere. And nothing was finished. However I would like to think that my writing had improved over my five year hiatus from here. And I'm going to start posting a few things. However to make it easier for anyone to know what is post-hiatus and what is high school stuff I will list on here the story titles under the year they were either first published (now) or finished (from before). And it will be alphabetically not by publish date. 2007 As Silent as the Setting Sun (poem) The Binder (poem) Bodenea (prose) Boredom (poem) Deceive (poem) The Endless Mile (poem) Harmless Little Drops (poem) Here I Stand Before You (poem) Invisible (poem) Justified Homicide (prose) Justified Homicide re-done (prose) Kill the Moon (poem) Misty Memories (prose) Porcelain Doll (poem) Quick Quick (poem) So Why Aren't You Dancing Yet? (poem) Step Step Step (poem) Supposed to Live Forever (poem) Three Years Hence (poem) Tomorrow Just Won't Ever Come (poem) Trapped (poem) Wilted Flower (poem) |
Chiclets (18) Demyx (17) | Flutterbygirl (2) spiking-cowgirl (22) |