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Joined 03-19-01, id: 51499
I am a writer of stories, and a writer of scenes. Sometimes all I have is one short piece, but most of the time - as you see - I write long and intricate tales. I deal a lot with OCs; this isn't because I don't think I can write the canon characters, or because I wish to self-insert, but because when I fall in love with a world I fall in love with a *world* - all the little places, all the little events. I take on OCs because that way I can poke around the corners of a world and tell you what I find there. I give them names because it's a long shout to call, "Hey You! Third Guy On The Left!" all the time.

The stories here are NOT the definitive versions of my tales. Due to FFnet's ideas of what is right and proper, I keep everything here down to an R rating if I can. If you want the full and true versions of my stories, I'm afraid you'll have to visit Tripleflame. All the stories you see WILL be finished eventually, but I'm up to my ears in writing projects and work and who knows what else, and it often takes a long time for updates. You'll probably find that my updating of any particular series goes in spurts.

I run a bboard called the Eyrie ( http:///btheeyrie6180 ), where if you don't have me on author alert you can get notification of updates - as well as peek at stories as yet unfinished and unposted, including some really amazing multiauthor tales that are very much worth the read. The Eyrie is also a good place to go if you want to tell me where you think a fic should go - I do put polls up there to let everyone have their go at bossing me around.

I also have a blog of sorts, ( http:/// ) where you can see the mini-scenes and daily nothings that make up One Boring Life. I'll warn you, most of my blogging is either spoilerish or deals with my original fiction work. If you prefer to ignore my life and read instead about behind-the-scenes action between the characters of whatever I'm writing about, you can do that at ( http:///users/muserealm/ ).

If you love my characters and my stories, I will cheerfully beg you to draw for me. You will find at Tripleflame several pictures taken from stories you know an stories you don't; I am a total Art Whore and will definitely be more inclined to listen to people who draw for me. And it goes up on my site, and credit is given, so if you were looking for a free way to showcase your talent - hey come talk to me. I bark more than I bite.