Author has written 2 stories for Romance. About M E : Well, let's see. I began writing for my own benefit (not just for school - Urk! =P) when I was in 5th grade and started writing actual stories when I reached middle school. From 7th to 9th grade, my main writing fettish was fanfiction. Now I've begun to write a couple of my own stories and figured that I might as well put them up. So first I visited this site to see what exactly was out there, wrote a couple of reviews and read a ton. I'm not sure how my current writing project will be received but I do hope y'all enjoy it! ^_^ S T O R I E S: Desperate Measures(Romance/Supernatural/Angst) ~ This is the story I am currently working on and will possibly post it sometime in the near future. Once I get into the swing of writing this story, you can check on update information and little random tidbits I decide to put up on my homepage! Reviews = Love Reviews = Update Inspiration/Motivation Reviews = FWEEEEE! ^^ |