Author has written 11 stories for Fantasy, Life, Biography, General, Young Adult, and Humor. I'm glad you found me. I'm not sure if you'll be so glad (grins) but I'm happy. I hope you'll enjoy my writings, and let me know what you think of them. I'll take anything, honestly. Negative critiques are always welcome, as long as they're constructive, and not just said to be mean. So, here's some random crap about me. I'm seventeen years old, getting ready to go to an elite academy in January; I'm really excited, I just don't have all the funds yet... And the best part? No math! Business skills, but no algebra or anything... (sigh) I'm so happy... Anyway, I love writing, and pretty much any art form. I work with wood, I sew, I sketch, I sing, I'm learning to play guitar. Pretty much I just have too much time on my hands. I know that I don't stand out much, as the majority of authors on fictionpress are teenaged girls, and I'm not knocking that fact, mind you. I'm just hoping that you'll find me different and intriguing, and maybe be inspired or touched by my writing. Okay, guys, it's time for some news! Aren't you excited? I've started a new story with a friend of mine. This is called "The White Sleep". Ever heard the story of Snow White? I can guarantee you that you've never heard it like this before. Eira, a seventeen-year-old outcast, is sent to live with her cousin and his wife in their strange little town, told that she'll "find what she needs there". What she finds is a school full of kids who are way weirder than she is, teachers who seem perplexed by her, and an old love that's making it difficult for her to forget him. This is, I think, my first fantasy set in our world, in our time, so it should be interesting. This story is co-authored with Natalie, who is not yet a fictionpress author, but a best friend of mine. To check this one out, go here. It's active! It's active! Bwah-hahahaha... And now the story's actually there! MORE NEWS! 357 THINGS WE ARE NOT ALLOWED TO DO is now on the market! I'm so excited! If you want to purchase it (pretty please, you know you love me) just click here! Thank you guys so much for your support- you have no idea how much y'all are appreciated! Not only is 357 Things available, but now Blood Pacts is also online! Just click this button. http:///commerce/index.php?fBuyC2669805" src="http:///images/services/buy_now_buttons/en/book_blue.gif" border="0" alt="Support independent publishing: buy this book on Lulu." Sincerely, P.S. Ok, guys, I know not many of you are reading my Bible studies, but please, if you do read them, message me and let me know if there are any topics you'd like me to research and do one on, or any questions about any of the topics or the Bible or beliefs in general. Ok? My email inbox is always open. |
Wesley Kelly (20) |