Author has written 18 stories for Love, Life, Song, Haiku, General, Thriller, Fantasy, and General. If ever there was a way to express yourself in writing, I haven't found out what it was. But poetry is as close as I can come. I think that there's nothing more cleansing than to let everything go, just blank out and look at the page afterwards to see what you've written. Never rewrite, because it dulls the emotions. If ever there was a way to make yourself feel inadequate in writing, it would have to be the process of writing a novel. There's nothing more painful than having a perfect story in your mind, and being unable to express its power on the page. Always rewrite, because there's no other way to find perfection. Finally, if ever there was a way to find out your faults in writing, it is having people both like and unlike yourself critique your work. Accept criticism. Absorb praise. Let yourself improve. And never, ever give up the hope of perfection. On that note, please feel free to email me any comments or suggestions that, for whatever reason, you don't want to put in a review. I'd really appreciate comments on Devil's Domain; it's the biggest project I've ever undertaken and constructive criticism is definitely more than welcome. Yes, I know it's a work in progress, but it would really help me to have a couple of people read as I post updates, and I think (I hope, anyway!) that you should enjoy it if you're anything like me at all. So, calling all fantasy fans! Please feel free to pick holes in this one; you'd really be helping me out. April 21, 2006 Today I discovered that my boyfriend is a better writer than me. He probably doesn't agree; I suspect that the story he sent me developed mostly as a joke, but nonetheless it is absolutely excellent. This has made me a little bit jealous and annoyed, but all the more determined to finish my novel. I doubt that his story will ever be finished, because, to use his words, his mind "tends to wander." Even so, he seems to be better than me at almost everything, including Flash, guitar and now writing. I love him, though. I'm not really mad. April 22, 2006 Wow. I can't believe it. People like my sadistic stories! I have a (slowly) growing fan base. Thank you so much to anyone who has reviewed my stories and poems, and a bigger thank you to those wonderful few who have added me to their favourites. I think that there is nothing more amazing than the feeling that people actually appreciate your work. You guys have inspired me to look at my writing, not only as a pastime, but as something that I am actually good at and may have a chance with! I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am to all of you. So from here on in, anything I write is dedicated to you: the people who believe in me. The ones who enjoy my writing, and even those who don't, but read it anyway. You guys make it all worthwhile. So basically, thanks. sniffs and wipes away a happy tear October 22, 2006 There are people who are easy to love, and people who are not. There are people who are good at loving, and people who are not. Where do you stand? November 9, 2006 Am I destined to write solely purging poetry for all time? Writer's block strikes... February 13, 2007 I haven't been particularly active here the past little while (although there have been updates to 'Devil's Domain' recently) but that's not for lack of writing. It's just that there are enough of my pathetic emo ramblings here already, and they pretty much all follow the same format. If you've read Untitled and Untitled 4, for example, you probably got pretty bored towards the end. Because it's all the same. To me, anyway... see, this is why I need reviews. On a quest for inspiration... to write something meaningful, for once. |