![]() Author has written 8 stories for Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Supernatural, General, and Romance. All About Yours Truely. Hello, I'm Holly and I'm seventeen. Don't look down on me because of my age: I won't like it. I'm British and proud of it. I'm your average teenager, battling her way through coursework and revision whilst hoping to get her ideas published. I often escape to my world of reading and story writing as I find it to be a place I better than reality. Parties are good too, in moderation. My stories are here for your reading pleasure and if you find anything to critique then feel free to point it out. I'm not sensitive. I love reviews I love hits and I love great stories like: Agapantha's: it's great, honestly, it's about a world of games and battles. A must read in my humble opinion. I also love loyal reviewers like: Virage! Seriously, give his stuff a hit, just for me. You can look for him under my favourites or just search him. Darwin. A marvellous writer; she is someone whom I look up to for her amazing works of fiction. Definately worth a long read. A Quick Guide to My Stories Just to give you an idea of what's going on (or what has been going on), if you're interested, with my projects...my lil babies =D. A Fate Unknown (Revamping and Rewriting) I started this story about 2 years ago, the summer before last, and at the time i wrote about 5 chapters...since then I think that all that work has either been lost or deleted. I may come back to this when/if I get the inspiration to...but it's more than likely that, if anything, I'll just rewrite the whole story or forget about it; my writing style has changed a lot over recent months and this, being an older story, needs a lot of improvement. UPDATE I'm in the process of updating this to something similar to my newer style of writing and then continuing on from where I left off. Hope you all like it :) A Vampire's Property (Finís) This is a new creation of mine and I thoroughly loved writing it. I must warn you however: some scenes may scar the sensitive xD. Vampires are an obsession of mine and I feel that this story showcases that and I'm proud of my writing style throughout this. This story is, all in all, one giant experiment. It's the first time I've ever experimented with first person, or POV changes and it's also the first time I've not planned a story in about 2/3 years. Please don't hate me for that xD. That said, I hope you enjoy it =). It was Suddenly Quiet (Finís) Ah, now this is a practice piece of writing that my teacher made me do. I like it though...even if it is a short story. (I'm more one for long novels =D). Check it out if you'd like =). Pure Instinct (Finís) This story was really, really long. It took me days and days to edit this and months and months to write it. I'm afraid to read over this in case I find more things wrong with it. The problem is that if I were to write this over then I'd do many things differently: my whole style is different now, far more to the point, and this story is nothing like that. I suppose I may get around to rewriting it all again...someday when I have the patience xD. The War of Aizza and Qaletaqa (Finís) This story is fairly old, one that I wrote just before my first vampire story. The characters weren't developed amazingly well and the end was rushed. I tend to rush endings a lot: I blame my lack of patience. Hopefully I will improve on that score. That said, the plot wasn't THAT bad...I hope. xD. The Young Royals : Ulran's Rising (In progress/hiatus) This story is another new one. I started writing it but then the idea of my new vampire story popped into my head and just wouldn't fly away. I meant to write this alongside that story but the other one seems to be taking precedence at the moment. I think that it's the lure of no book of plans and no bullet points to follow...ah well...we'll see how things pan out. I'll, of course, write some of this when it takes my fancy. I haven't completely forgotten about it, dw. In fact, I intend to make this into my first trilogy! =). |