Author has written 1 story for Romance. Well, okay. I'm not too great at this profile-making stuff, even after having a myspace for almost two years now. Trust me, I'm not so great with that either. But I'll try to keep it short, sweet, and cool... Basically, Lost Cause is my first story, and I love it. Everyone loves a cliche, and I love cliches more than anyone else. I try to update as quickly as possible, and try to keep the plot moving along. Please review it...they're definitely a guilty pleasure for me, right up there alongside ice cream and big, soft, white chocolate macademia nut cookies. To see the stories on fictionpress that I would definitely recommend, click on Favorite Stories under the second line. Also, I'm always open to new recommendations-after a while on here, you kind of run out of great stories to read. Already completed ones are my fave. (hehe) 31.December. Happy New Year's with Chapter 10!!! 25.December. Merry Christmas to the world, and chapter 9 is officially up. :) I know, right? Finally. haha. Well, I'm hoping you guys like it, it's my christmas present to everyone. Also, I changed the category from general to romance. Hopefully it will attract more attention that way. Working on the next chapter. 27.August. Chapter 7 about half-done. It will hopefully be up soon, after I finish another few pages on it and send it to femmevia to read first. beta-reader privileges :) 7.August. Chapter 5 of Lost Cause is up. |