Author has written 3 stories for Young Adult, Supernatural, and General. Let's see.. I am 26 years old, still struggling through the wasteland between college and the rest of my life. I'm working in a quality control lab in a biotech company, which is incredibly boring and definitely not how I want to spend my life, but it pays the bills for now--some of them, anyway. I get most of my writing done while procrastinating at work or while I'm waiting for experiments to run. Besides writing, I spend a lot of my time with my amazing fiance and my two adorable kitties. And baking. Lots of baking. I also have some L.J. Smith fan fiction posted on My homepage is at http:///planet/. News: 26Jun08: Okay, I lied. :) Trial By Fire just won't let me go. I've posted the first chapter. Not sure when I'll get to the next. 24Apr08: Sigh. After a lot of thought, I've decided to put Trial By Fire on hold indefinitely. I've tried to write it.. I just can't. It's too dark and honestly, I'm entirely too close to the story. I can't separate myself from A.J. So I guess I'll be going back to fan fiction for a while. I'm disappointed in myself. Hopefully I'll find a creative spark for another original story soon. |