Author has written 9 stories for Life, Religion, Family, Kids, Young Adult, and Romance.
Right. Just thought I warn everyone that I rarely check my email, therefore review replies and other such things may not be read until months after they were sent. Or never. -guilty look-
Name: Marie.
Age: Almost fourteen.
Likes: Writing, reading, drawing (extrememly horribly), DDR, Avatar, HP, 'The Killers', 'My Chemical Romance', poetry, Draco Malfoy, fluff happy endings. The words damnit, tenacious, and daft. LOTR. "Oppisites Attract". Art. Family Guy. Simpsons.
Dislikes: Meat. Cheese. Eggs. (I'm a vegan.) Animal cruelty of any kind. People who flame. Sexists, racists, and my little brother when he's hyper. Unhappy endings. The color orange. (It's just so bright and in your face.) Endings that are too happy too be believable. Stereotypes. When characters have no motives. Especially when villains have no motives.
Religion: Agnostic.
Status: Debating whether or not to post my newest story here on fp.
I do creative writing prompts randomly, and if I like them, they'll show up on fp.
The typo fairy visits me alot. Even after I proof read.
-m a r i e
j a n u a r y oh e i g h t