Author has written 4 stories for Fantasy, Supernatural, and Young Adult. In case you don’t know me (and lets face it, you don’t, do you? You’re just checking out to see if you can find out exactly where someone got the ridiculous idea of naming themselves after a type of Egyptian dung beetle?) Here are some details, in your typic-Bio style. Name: Most of the people who matter know me as Scarab. A few more can get away with calling me Scabby. Well, that nickname is entirely my own fault, really, isn’t it? Real Name: Is not important unless you’re paying my salary/owe me money in some other way/grade my art work/fiction. Age: I’m 19 years old as of February, and the last year of adolescence is already proving that it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. Hobbies: As you can guess, I write original fic. And fanfic.And wills – no really. And dream translations. And scripts. And… well, everything bar poetry, really. Though to quote Y: The Last Man “I only ever wanted to write about fake things. Monster possessed cities and Ace Lightning Fanfic. One thing I always sucked at was non-fiction.” That’s probably not entirely true, for me, particularly including the murky waters of dream translation. But my non fiction certainly seems to make more sense. I’ll never make a journalist. So be it. I’m also messing with the idea of a career in illustration and/or animation. Whether or not this is the biggest mistake I ever made in my life (My friend says I’m having a “crisis of faith”, in a sense –she’s not wrong.) has yet to make itself clear. Here’s hoping it isn’t because otherwise I just wasted over two thousand pounds. I’m also a videogame freak. Particularly of platformers – my first fandom here was (and still is) Spyro the Dragon. Insult Hunter around me at your peril. Notable Achievements: Went three rounds with sensei Chris Carr during Go Kan Ryu Karate tournament training without getting knocked over/out. A vanity search on Google will first throw up a link to this profile. Which is kind of neat in a “hasn’t-really-contributed-to-bettering-the-world” kinda way. The link following that will be for the fanfiction net C2 Community, “Zoar’s Choice,” for which I’m a mod. After about three links I pretty much vanish from the vanity search and all you will be able to find (not that you’d ever look) will be random links to Egyptian history websites and online Egyptian jewellery sellers. That’s it, really. Curiosities: I have mild Synesthesia - a “condition” (if you can call it that)in which two or more senses are attached to each other, My personal trait is “hearing” colours. My beta reader, for example, is a lovely fleshy orange. Another friend is, rather oddly as I don’t think she LIKES the colour, hot pink. A boy on my table wavers between dull brown and black (and I swear he used to be something else, but I can’t remember what.’ My art tutor is a cream/grey tinged white and my father is very, very dark purple. In fact, you can only really tell its purple and not black when he’s yelling at you…) Usually people’s colours are pretty constant, though occasionally they change (my mother was pink, when I was a kid, and now she’s brown). And there are a few people whom I can’t get at all. This guyin college is driving me mad, because I can’t tell if he’s blue, grey, black, orange, flesh pink, turquoise or... whatever. Actor's are also hard to grasp because... well, for obvious reasons, and I don't know my own. I try not to deal with it in my fiction, though I know it’s a curious trait and one I could delve into. It’s really tough to fit it into character development when I don’t want it as a focus for the plot, so I generally don’t bother. I might deal with it one day, though. I have some interesting theories for my OC's. What follows (assuming anyone is still listening) comes from my old profile, actually, but I thought I’d keep it since it still stands entirely true. Motto: "The mind is like a parachute - it works best when you open it." |