Author has written 148 stories for Action, Life, Romance, Historical, General, Love, Song, Essay, Religion, School, Friendship, Nature, General, Fantasy, and Family. Old Username: Brown Eyed Goddess I have masks... They try to hide me, But sometimes I b-r-e-a-k out. I come here to express myself and my surroundings. This is my only way anymore to say what I feel. Sometimes it's very hard to. Sometimes it's simply easy. Sometimes you won't get it, and sometimes you will. I will take no offense if you do not like my work. Because if you don't, I learned to just not care anymore. ;.If you review me, then I will most certainly look at yours and review yours. Keep that in mind.; ~ALSO, I've recorded one of my works, Losing, and put it up on YouTube. You can view it here. Please subscribe!~ AND: I've made a formspring, if you want to ask me any questions! (my computer won't let me put the link in the word, right now) http:///tangledwebwewea Believer I believe: life is more than survival I believe the heart is more than a muscle I believe we can know right from wrong I believe in hope and freedom I believe my life makes a difference I believe in the message of the cross. What do you believe? --Rom. 10:9-13 and Eph. 2:8-10 |
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