Author has written 5 stories for Life, Love, and Romance. Greetings to all. I'm insane, you've been warned. - Name: Jessi Gender: I is a girlie Race: Elven ninja vampire pirate - American Likes: techno, cosplay, running around convention centers with friends and other anime freaks, manga, anime, video games, painting, sleeping, pain killers, comedy, stupid people (they're so fun to watch), emo kids, vampires, feminine Japanese boys, guys who like guys, yaoi, using Japanese words to scare/confuse class mates, the mafia Dislikes: Loud noises, stupid people who abuse the privillage of being stupid, spelling, homophobic people, discrimination/racisism, preps, red-necks, foam, my family Fav. books: Hawk Song, Interview with the Vampire, Twilight, Demon in my View, Harry Potter fav. anime: Fruits Basket, Fullmetal Alchemist, Loveless, X/1999, Tokyo Babylon, Immortal Rain, FAKE, Azumanga Daioh, Hana Kimi, Fav. movie: Blade trilogy, Lord of the Rings, RENT, Brokeback Mountain, X-Men,Underworld, Interview with the Vampire Woot-woot! Starting a little sotry that might only be a chapter or two long... posted the first half of the first chapter. Will complete the rest of it at work or somewheres and the nrepost it for you guys. Tis slash/yaoi! ...dur. |