Author has written 3 stories for Romance, and Love.
We should take over.
Hej allihopa!
My name is XXXXXX, I am 26 years old. I live with XXXX. I believe in the wildest, craziest love stories.
I know. I've been away around a year, and I come back posting goodness again. Don't hate me too much.
I will be posting quite often, now that I have the time. And I already have the bunch of chapters, so it's more a matter of leaking them every now and then.
Don't let us know will be over this year, I promise. I love and reply to your PMs. Leave some review here and there if you're so kind. If not, just read me!
I love you all. No, really, I do.
About Don't Let Us Know:
It's probably going to be as long as Don't Let Them Know About Us was, in terms of chapters, meaning 27. So far I have 25 written down, and the next two are on the way. Surely by the time any of you reads this, I will have written another one. The final chapter is just so magical, I'm really looking forward to it, and it's going to be really refreshing after a whole tale of drama and blood and exploding.
About DLTKAU and DLUK:
It is a couple of stories based on a real life love story. I have in fact, organized layers of real life stuff over layers of fiction. Fiction helped me summarizing all that was not possible to write down, for it would have taken up a lot of time. For example, in DLUK, Anna's character never really existed in reality; she represents three people in real life and I thought I could wrap them up into just one. Another example is Spain, although I did live in Spain, I also lived in France for a while and Melissa's character is actually from Italy. You could say it is a real life story, adapted into a "smaller" package. I've deleted my real name from this story, thought some of you might find it somewhere if you read the whole thing again. Sara's real name is, well, Sara, but her last name has also been changed, as the many other people's names that I changed.
The period of time that DLTKAU and DLUK comprise, is a bit over six years. Therefore it might be shocking to know that I'm an ancient woman of 26, when you might have just read about my birthday party when I turned 20. Sara is 27! So this is also some story of girls in love, growing old and strong. I hope these stories will in some way, touch your life or give you some handy quote for your ordinary days.
About the ending of this all:
Gah. It's coming soon. And I won't say a lot about it, because I really want it to be some surprise, but it's awfully nice. I enjoyed writing a lot, and I have come up with some 100 fictional story ideas that will seduce you, strip you to the bone and push you up against the wall. But first I'll finish what has to be finished.
Again, I love you all!