Author has written 2 stories for Young Adult, and Love. Hi! I'm just starting out on this website and I'm still learning how everything works. I'll start uploading stories and such soon enough. I've been skeptekal about uploading for some reason. Besides, I should wait until summer when I'll have more time to devot to my writing. So, I'll be changing this in a little while to accomodate with my stories. Until then, here's some background on me. I'm 16, but I've experienced alot for my age. I go to a private high school, where nothing about it is private. Rumors constantly spread like wildfire around this place. (*glances over shoulder to see if anyone's reading* I'm in history class right now.) I play sports, act, and I sing in the audition choir for school. I've always loved reading and writing, I could do both before I even started school. English has always been my best subject, and my passion for books remains strong even though I lack proper time to devout to reading these days... that's what highschool does to a girl. Luckily, summer break is but a few weeks away, so the timing is perfect for starting up this at this site. Haha, I should be more careful because last night I didn't do any homework, considering I was too busy browsing FictionPress looking for good stories to read. I wasn't disappointed, but my teachers today probably will be. Anyways, I love movies, art, and especially music. I love to sing, despite the fact that I never really sing in front of people by myself. I sang my first solo last weekend for choir, and it was pretty nerve wrecking. I don't have stage fight, I've done acting since I was little, but when it comes to my voice I guess I'm just overly self-conscious. Okay, so this is getting pretty long...if you feel like talking, go ahead and IM me. I created a new screen name just for talking to people on Fiction Press. I like meeting new people, so don't hesitate. Okay so I decided against the title IM!RU? because...well, I don't know. I changed the story's title to Don't Dismay, Be Gay! which is ironic and sort of an inside joke that will be revealed sometime during the novel. I recently added a new chapter, and would appreciate it if you checked it out. R/R and I'll return the favor! |