Author has written 7 stories for Manga, Essay, Life, and Biography. This is Sinnakura Noihseret. I'm twenty years old now and I live in America. I would like to formally apologize to all my followers, my readers, and my friends on this site, for I abandoned my old life far too quickly and without any proper notification. At the death of my parents, I left home and found myself a new life in Thailand. I had not looked back to this site until today, and I was so moved by, not only my own writings, but all the others stories and comments that made their way onto my page and into my heart, that I began to cry. I will not be continuing on this site, though I will never stop writing, and I sincerly hope that anyone who reads this will think back, three years ago, and remember all you were and all that you accopmlished. I would not be the person I am today, the writer that I am today, without you.ANNOUCEMENT: I can't spell! Due to popular request (my cats: meow!) (.sob. I'm such a loser...) the illustrated profiles of some of the characters from Sleet and Hale and Burnd the Forte are to be posted on this site: and here they are (I'll warn you if there's any yaoi in it): Hassieb: Almnes & Deltur: Neroli & Carico: more on the way! ~...Name...~ ~...Birthplace...~ ~...Age...~ ~...Sex...~ ~...Favourite Author...~ ~...Favourite Music...~ ~...IM...~ ~...Obsessions...~ hana-kimi (for you in full blossom) I like videogames too, including kingdom hearts1 & 2, state of emergency, halo 1 & 2, sly cooper 1-3, final fantasy, and tetris ~...Warning as for my writing... I write: yaoi: yes yuri: possibly hentai: only if it goes along with the plot information tiiiiiiiiiime! (scroll down) --~...current projects:...~-- Burnd the Forte: There once was a time when snow fell as white angels and tears poured down from the heavens. There is only fire now. Fire that gave a boy his name, his body wings, and his soul a fate. That boy is the barrier between heaven and hell and must block the fire from the changing form of God. But this is not the God you are thinking of, this is a different kind of God. A God that dwells within us all and shows us the path to heaven, through the fires of hell. And until the boy's fate is sealed, the fire will continue to burn. S a g e: (on hold) (the story) My brother told me that are things in this world never meant to be seen with human eyes, and the only ones who deserve to see it, are the ones who actually do. If I showed you what my brother saw, if I showed you the very thing that drove him to insanity, and ultimately, death, do you think you could see it? Do you think you deserve to see what made my brother a Sage? --~...finnished projects:...~-- The Point of a Threshold: I'll add more about it later. (it's better than the summery ) Sleet & Hale: a story about a boy (Hale, 15) who falls in love with another boy (Roque, 17) who turns out to have a secret that changes their school and their lives forever. Involves heavey shounen-ai (there was your warning... no full-out yaoi though) also involves a sexy red-head named Bruno who turns out to be the only striaght one in the group. What about Ayorik you ask? Well... we will just have to wait for the sequal to find out more about him (the Inokuras too! ) Stop and Think: (yes, this one is an essay, I only learned what 'essay' meant after I put the story under 'fiction') it is mainly about animal rights and the sad truth that our world hides so desperatly. then again who am I to say I know everything? you will just have to read to find out... BWAHAHAHAHAA The Only Difference in the World: (sequal to Stop and Think) this was originally a responce to one my reviewers who reviewed Stop and Think. Then I kept writting and writting and writting... this ESSAY cough,cough is a more direct approach at the whole animal rights thing. if you have not guessed yet, I am a vegan, and in this essay I hope to show you how important a single desision most people never think twice about can be. Sage: (the poem) I think the summery speaks for itself --~...future projects:...~-- Angels on the Horizon: (summery not final) (. . .) (in any way shape or form) This is a true story bum bum BUM!! Project G.A. (Guiding Angels) was designed to help Sibirian cranes travel from Chersy, Russia all the way down to Poyang Lake, China over a period of three weeks. Durring that time, there was a group of Guiders who flew a white plane, dressed in white, and guided the birds to southern China for the winter. Lan Zhi was a guider who described her journey with the flock of white cranes as the most beautiful and incredable acomplishment of her life. But this story isn't about Lan or any of the guiders. This story is about a boy who, detirminded to fly with the birds he raised his whole life, could not become guider due to an asthma desiese that prevented him from surviving a journey as long and harsh as G.A. At least not in the air. So this boy followed the birds on the ground by himself for three, long weeks, undetectived and in secret, with nothing more then a backpack full of food and water. He did not know if his birds would even survive such a journy, nor did he know if he would survive as well. The Other Side of the World: (name not final) This is not the official summery... by the way... all I am going to say is that when Alu, an eighteen year old male, gets seperated from his little sister in times of war, he make a promise that in one year's time, he will meet her again on the other side of the world. So what happens when Alu starts to loose his memory from an injury he obtained durring the war. Will he remember his sister and his promise, or will he forget who he was, what we was fighting for, and what the war really was: a cover-up for an illegal operation to create a creature that defies the laws of nature? (there are other important characters too, like Balaam, the young man Alu meets along the way, the birds and the angels, etc. you will get more out of the actual summery) Sleet & Hale THE SEQUAL! (I am in a name rutt right now sniffle T.T sorry guys...) I have a whole story map plotted out for this baby... I want to take a closer look at Alex Almnes (possibly my favourite character... tell no one... especially not Roque) and the Inokura family. This story will start off explaining how the Sleet desiese was originally created and how Tyler Inokura may carry the secret behind it all in his own blood. (Cody too... for those of you who remembered James Rott's little 'speech' in the end of chapter 11) I also thought of the possibily of a school feild trip. BWAHAHA... yes fluffy Hale/Roque romance (but wait... not all is as it seems between the two main couple! bum bum BUM!) Cody/Bruno too. I liked that pairing. Plus I want to go in depth on who Seth Ayorik really is and why he wasHale's roommate (ooo secrets behind the only other straight guy beside Bruno in the whole story! woot) okay that is it. I will now remind you all, just in case, that I do copyright my work. my father works for publication agency called определителен член Движение Публикувам Общество or Движение Публикувам Общество. I do not know how to say it in English... T.T R&R and I'll return the favour! (always ) |