![]() Author has written 7 stories for Romance, General, Love, and Life. Hello, hello, my dearest loves!! I'm sure most of you are not overly interested in hearing about me...but nevertheless here are a few facts about my not-so-entertaining life :) Age: 22 Gender: Female Occupation: Student Location: U.S. My life is writing and music. David Bowie is my heart, Michael Jackson is my soul. I could not live without either. Most of the time I live in my own world and very rarely venture into reality...when I do, I assure you, it is not of my own volition. Updates: 8/27/12: I'm back! And I do apologize once again for the terribly long wait. I've been studying abroad the last five months and the whole experience was like a dream! However, sadly, I am now back to reality at my home University. On the bright side, that SHOULD mean more updates for you! :) So yay for silver linings! Anyway, chapter 7 of NOETMWIWA has been posted - hope you all enjoy! 1/14/12: Chapter 4 of Fragments has been posted. Hope you all enjoy! xoxo 1/12/12: Well, chapter 19 from WPWB has been posted. It seems to be the story most people have a hard time with because of all the POV changes, but it's my baby, and I love it. Remember, slashy soap opera style story - supposed to be dramatic and hectic. I hope someone out there still loves it like I do XD 12/29/11: Well the 6th chapter of NOETMWIWA has been posted. Sorry for the delay and I hope you all enjoy. Also I would just to go on record saying that I HATE this html crap. It's a pain and now I can't edit my stories properly. So, some of the errors (both of a grammatical and formatting nature) are to be blamed on this tiny little editing box with crappy codes. If someone knows how to fix this, please let me know. It's making updating my stories a whole lot more complicated and annoying. 7/17/11: Mmm-hmm, well, I suck. I know, and I'm sorry. I now have two part time jobs, softball three times a week, and am working my butt off trying to get my manuscript finished before classes start up again in August. Obviously, those things take precedence, and as a sad result, my stories here have been neglected. Please, don't be angry with me. My hope is to get the most popular story (NOETMWIWA) updated today, and see what happens from there. Again, I sincerely apologize. 5/29/11: Another update will be coming within the next week. I have a friend in from out of town right now, but she leaves in a few days, so I'll try to get something posted after that. :) 5/22/11: Well, I know I said WPWB would be updated next but, obviously, I lied. XD lol! Anyway, the next installment of Fragments is up!! Hope someone out there enjoys it! :D 5/15/11: Yay!! It's up! Hope everyone enjoys! Next story to be updated will probably be WPWB, and hopefully soon! Love you all! 5/14/11: Okay, the next chapter of NOETMWIWA is done...but FP is not letting me edit my story. :( Hopefully this will get resolved rather quickly and the update will be up soon! 5/10/11: Good news!! Finals this week and then I'm done for the entire summer! Which means updates WILL be coming starting this weekend!! I'm so sorry for the wait and I can't wait to get back to writing for you guys! 3/6/11: Ugh. I know, I know. I said classes wouldn't stop me from updating, but, as I'm sure you can see, they have. I can't promise the next update will come soon. The earliest I see is by the end of March, because then at least I will be on spring break. I'm truly sorry, but I am terrible at multitasking. Please forgive me! D: 2/13/11: Sorry for the lack of updates. This weekend is especially difficult for me. I hope to have something up later this week. 1/23/11: Classes have started up again. Ugh. :/ No worries though, I will continue updating at LEAST one story every weekend. Promise! :) 1/13/11: In case no one has noticed, I am writing a lot more lately. A ton, actually. :) This is hopefully welcome news to you, my dear readers, because it means that I WILL be updating more often, hopefully every weekend. However, since I am now in the process of writing three separate stories, I cannot yet say if they will all be updated at the same time, or if I will focus on one story per weekend. But I can absolutely assure you, whichever way I decide to go about it, every story will be updated at the very LEAST once a month. So, YAY for steady and frequent updates! :D 1/6/11: I think someone should officially label me the Queen of slow updates. :/ I'm terribly sorry. I don't have THAT good of an excuse. Yes, I have a job, yes, I am a full time student, but honestly? None of those things should stop me. I do, after all, do most of my writing extremely late at night. Actually, I think it would technically be considered early in the morning...but I digress. So, what do I do when faced with the rather bleak truth about my tragically impaired updating skills? I begin writing another story! XD I admit, it was a valiant attempt to encourage myself to update more often, but so far, it hasn't helped. Now I simply have two sets of readers out for my blood! Aaaaanyway. My point is that I KNOW I suck at updating. My muse, as I've come to learn, apparently does not care. But, please, please, please understand that I am trying my best! And I will never, NEVER abandon my stories. In February, I will have officially been working on 'What Promises We Break' for four years!! (Granted, I did take a year off after chapter one because I had no freaking idea how to write. Seriously. Chapter 1 of WPWB, suuuucked!! Please forgive that horrid sin against the written word!!) Stories: What Promises We Break: This is my slashy soap opera story. Tons of drama and emotion-packed angst! Chapter 19 has been posted! No One Ever Told Me When I Was Alone: Chapter 7 is up!! I am so beyond thrilled at the reaction this story had gotten! This, for me, is a completely new experience. I usually have a story at least partially planned out beforehand, but this one is completely by my mood. And I have been absolutely blown away by the level of interest you guys have shown! Thank you all! Fragments: Chapter 4 is up! This story has been on my mind for a while. Just the other night it came back out of nowhere and wouldn't leave me alone. So I decided to give it a shot. Hope someone out there is liking it! Fun little facts about me that may or may not pertain to my writing. -I love, love, LOVE brothers! I think brotherly relationships are the cutest things ever, hence, I write about them a TON. I think it may have something to do with the fact that my older brother and I have a less than amicable relationship...growing up he was just plain awful, and now our relationship is strained and tense at the best of times...so you don't have to be a psychiatrist to figure out where my obsession with brotherly writing comes from. Anyway, don't be surprised if every single one of my stories somehow centers around an older brother in some way or another. :) -I simply abhor hostile writers. I understand the desire for reviews, believe me, I have felt it myself on countless occasions. But if someone has taken the time to read my story and alert it, I am always grateful and count this as something similar to a positive review. It really, really bothers me when authors get angry and vent in their stories about people who have only alerted and not reviewed. If that be the case, fine. I will remove your story from my alert list and I apologize for bothering you. What it comes down to is this: I, as a writer, love every single one of my readers whether they alert, favorite, or review. Do not get me wrong, I ADORE reviews, and am beyond pleased with every single one of my readers that have taken the time to review. But I will NEVER berate people in my chapters for not reviewing. It is rude and definitely no way to gain interest in a story. If you have taken the time to read and alert one of my stories, thank you!! If you have also taken the time to review, thank you!! I truly love you all! Bye then for now, darlings! Death's Release "Don't believe in yourself, don't deceive with belief, knowledge comes with Death's Release..." -Quicksand by David Bowie |