Author has written 5 stories for Love, Humor, Romance, and General. Oh, what is there to say? I'm one of those crazy slash fangirls; you know the type. ;) I break out in hives at the mention of heterosexual intercourse and generally think the world is not complete until it is Torchwood-style (sans Ianto dying, of course.) I'm an American whom is hopelessly addicted to the BBC (YAY MERLIN!) and Supernatural is the greatest thing since sliced bread, for sure. I read an unhealthy amount of books, most of them set in historical times, and I love anything with a stupidly happy ending because I'm ridiculous like that. I am a crap poet, but that doesn't stop me from trying anyway and I have never actually finished a multi-chapter WIP, which is why I stick primarily to short-stories. As you'll notice, I'm kind of off-the-wall when it comes to writing--I write a lot of humor and smut but I can churn out the prose and angst if the mood strikes me. I've been writing since age seven (I'm eighteen now) and it's my one, true passion in life; I don't always do it well, but I'll always do it anyway because there is nothing else in life that affects me the way writing does. Feedback = love. Sure, I'll adore you if you give me a page-long analysis of what you loved and hated about my writing, but sometimes even a "I liked your story" is a great pick-me-up. It's good to know that people are reading it and enjoying themselves as much as I was while writing. That's me. If I haven't scared you off yet, check out some of my works if you will, or even drop me a line (I love to hear from fellow writers.) I'm sure we'll have a good time slashing up our inboxes. |