Yoichiro Sakamoto
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Joined 06-24-06, id: 529946
Author has written 1 story for Manga.

Hello everyone this is Yoichiro Sakamoto.

My main story I plan to work on here at FictionPress.com will be 'The Sorcerer’s Tournament'.

The basic summery is: In over a decade, the time for the great Sorcerer’s Tournament has descended upon the small village of EveWick; a village known for its history of its very unique sorcerers. Now it has now been chosen to reconstruct the legendary game, where sorcerers of all shape, color, and level come to face off against one another to earn power beyond their wildest dreams. By using the all powerful animal spirits that reside within a person'svery being.


The Nakamura family

Miyu -The main character of the story. Who possess the spirit of the tiger. She's a very calm and collected person who loves her family.

Sora(later named Nanami)- She's the main character's sister. After that fateful day, she goes off with Ryuu to learn how to control the beast within her.

Daisuke- Father of both Miyu and Sora; he's very loving toward his daughters and is very caustious of whom they are with at all times.

Manami -Mother of Miyu and Sora; She's a very kind and loving as their father. She seems to understand a lot about what has happened to her daughters.

(Note: Both parents possess the spirit of the tiger has Miyu)

Guardians/Friends of Miyu

Yuuka- She's a very a good friend of Miyu. She has a twin named Jun; she's a very confident and caring person who loves Miyu as a sister, she never had.

Jun- Another good friend of Miyu's. He has a bad temper and often seeks out things to take out his anger on something or someone.

Naoto- Another friend of Miyu who out of the three of Miyu's friends who knew Sora well. He secrectly loved her.

(Note:The two twins both possess the wolf spirit, while Naoto possess the lion spirit)

Guardians of Sora

Ryuu- The one responsible for all the terrible things that have happened in Sora's life. (You'll find out about those "things" in the story! ^^)

Leiko- She's one of Sora's guardians. She's very cocky and arrogant. She possess the panther spirit.

Ren-Another one of Sora's guardians. But unlike Leiko, Ren is a very calm and caring. He like Jun and his twin he also possess the wolf spirit.

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