Author has written 2 stories for Romance. Hello! I'm Suzanna. :) Just a quick fact sheet...I'm 19 and going to college in Oregon. I love pink, Something Corporate, anything Andrew McMahon does, The Breakfast Club, shopping, writing, flip flops, baking...the list goes on! I love to write, but sometimes, I hate it because it has such a strong hold on who I am. I have finally realized that when I don't write, I lose my passion for life. So here I am... I remember the exact moment I decided that I wanted to be a writer. I was seven years old, walking in the mall with my parents. I looked to the side, saw Waldenbooks, and asked my mom, "What's the name of people who write books?" She replied, "Authors." I repeated the word to myself a few times, and from that moment, it was settled; writing was my calling. I am an extremely happy person. I just love life. :) I am also very girly and absolutely proud of it. If I'm not wearing a skirt or a dress, I'm not happy. Scarves, headbands, jewelry, and purses are my life. Pink is amazing. And then there's gets me into a lot of trouble with my bank account, but it's worth it! Anyway, to all of my readers: Thank you for your time! You're fantastic! If you have a myspace, send me a message; I'd love to hear from you. :) /suzanna_k |