![]() Author has written 8 stories for Fantasy, Nature, General, Family, and Essay. Hi! It's been a while since I updated my profile. About 10 years, to be exact. As my brother would say: "You're old." However, since he's a teenage boy, I'll let it slide this time. What can I tell about myself? Well, I'm in my 30s and I love to write. I also love Jesus Christ (Messiah in Hebrew). But than again, He did love me first. I am hoping and praying that my writing on this blog site will be used by Jesus to help others (not just me) in seeking Him and asking the things every one asks about Him at some point, if they are willing to be honest with themselves: 1) Why are so many people devoted to a guy that lived 2000 years ago? Answer: I think that is a question every one needs to explore with an open mind and an open heart. If you try to answer this question with the intent of finding fault with Jesus, you will find it not because it exists. You will find it because you are unwilling to hear and accept the Truth. Reality stinks, but it's this: we live in a world where people hurt each other, physically or otherwise, all the time. God says He gave us Free Will (a fancy way of saying that we choose how we live and treat others). Sadly, we don't use that incredible responsibility well. Don't want to listen? Try going to a playground and observe the children playing on the grounds sometime. You will see there is a hierarchy established very quickly by the stronger children ordering the younger and/or weaker looking children around as if it is their right. This is human nature at its' finest. 'The strong live, the weak don't.' I don't know about you, but that to me is dangerous thinking. Anyone thinking Adolf Hitler? He didn't just go after the Jewish peoples in the nations he conquered; he went after Christians that defended their Jewish neighbors, homosexuals, Russians; you name any person that was a political enemy to Hitler's regime that were caught and they were sent off to the horrible concentration camps. And Germany is not exempt from concentration camps during World War II. Study the history for yourself if you don't believe me. In America, we sent people of Japanese descent to concentration camps due to the attack on Pearl Harbor which led to the United States joining the war in Europe and the Pacific. What is my point in this trip through history and time? It is this; I believe that people without Jesus are capable of tremendous wrong toward others. That is why Jesus is attractive to humanity even after 2000 years of having raised from the dead. He brings out the best from those who have faith in him. 2) What is it about Jesus that people find so attractive? Answer: Jesus' Love, for sure. However, I will explain what I mean as this term has been so twisted by culture that many do not understand true, biblical love. Love is such a general term in English. Love this, love that, etc. However, it wasn't in the original and clearest language the New Testament was written in. The New Testament was written in Greek, which has four words or more for love that make it easier for bible scholars to understand what the Lord means when he directed the human authors to write the original manuscripts. The first type of love is Eros. Eros means lustful or sexual love. This is the love between a man and woman and the Bible says it is holy within a marriage covenant. The second type is Philia. This is brotherly or companionable love. This is the love between friends that are outside the family or that you can consider close enough to be family. This is a friendship type love. The third type of love is Storge. This is familial love. Think of this love has the bond between a parent and their offspring. The fourth, and most important for this answer, is Agape. This is the 'love-word' used to describe Jesus' love toward humanity. It is unconditional, universal toward all despite their errors, and completely selfless. It is sacrificial love that only thinks of the good of the one receiving the love, not of what benefit you get from giving that love. Just to be clear; God does not need you or me. God has no emotional need to bring humanity close to Him. He existed perfectly fine before he created the Universe. He does not need any one of us. But, glory to God, He wants us anyway. 3) How can I get in on this life that Christians have? Answer: If you have Christian friends in your life, seek them out. Ask them about what they believe and why. I can present my perspective until I'm blue in the face but I am merely a stranger communicating through my laptop. You don't know me. I want any person that accepts Jesus as Lord and Savior to do so knowing exactly what they are getting into. This can only happen with face to face communication with Christian friends or a bible-based church. The Good News of Jesus: that he came, lived 33 years, died a criminal's death when he was innocent and rose again on the 3rd day to save humanity from spiritual death is only as powerful as you allow it to be. Do you want to accept Jesus? I am not in a favorable position to help but I would be remiss toward you if I did not type a prayer for you as a means to help. Dear God, I am not in a position to help the people reading my profile to accept your Son, Jesus Christ, as their Savior. However, you are the Lord of all and I am trusting the circumstances of their accepting Jesus into your hands and Will. Please guide anyone that has read up to this point to ultimately accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. I am not in control but you are. I pray this in Jesus' Name, Amen. Love in Christ, Elizabeth White |