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Joined 07-20-06, id: 533705
Author has written 1 story for Action.


'I know it's long, and the spelling sucks, but I'm a complicated person and I couldn't help myself.'

I'm an 19yr male, with reddish-brown eyes and strait dark brownhair, olive skin, I have a goaty, and a thin mustache, I'm 5.8ft tall, 149lbs, pretty small-framed or scrawny. I'm quite the mutt: Irish, German, Indian, Cherokee, Latino, Black, and Spanish origin, (but I look more like an Iraqi, or Mexican American)

Personallity wise: I'm cynical, sarcastic, generous, encouraging, funny, (so my friends say) of low self-esteem (not that it's my fault) a bit introverted, and as you can tell by my writting, I think out-of-the-box.

Status: Well to make a long story short, I'm sad n' single -19yrs + and it doesnt look like that's goanna change.

Interests: As you can tell, judging by my e-mail address, I'm a big fan of the German WWII Tiger tank, and just about every other weapon or artiliary vehichle manufactured in Nazi Germany. I like cats or dogs, mice and squirrels, I hate small poisonous spiders, (I like em big so I canspot-em and kill-em with my Airsoft rifle) I'm not wealthy, just higher-lower mid-classed, I don't own a car yet, am unemployed and I'm against Credit Cards. (They Kill Poeple)

Goals: Get outta high school, burn my stuff, change my name, and spend the rest of my life in the U.S Army. (6 more months!)


I enjoy heavy metal bands like; Korn, Slipknot, Cradle of Filth, Lacuna Coil, Tool, Marilyn Manson, Static X, Coal Chamber, Disturbed, Ramstien and Fear Factory. I also have a fetish for '9inch Nails' and Madonna.

Favorite Movies/Shows:

I typically don't watch much TV, but when I do I watch shows like; Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, Boston Legal, Lost, Invasion, Smallville (if I catch it in time) Alias (occasionally) I like movies like; Dawn of The Dead, Land of The Dead, 28days, Day After Tomorrow, Resident Evil 1&2, Predator 1, Terminator 1,2 & 3, Dark Water, The Matrix (1,2&3) Full Metal Coat, Aliens, Alien Resurrection, Saving Private Ryan, Wind Talkers and Sahara.

Favorite Actor/Actress:

Rhona Mitra, Jessica Alba, Malissa George, Milla Jovovich, Michelle Rodriguez, Angilina Jo Lee, Bruce Willis, Selvester Stollone, Arnold Swartzenegger, Talsa Soto, Zeta Jones, Kianno Reeves, Dave Clarke, Jessica Biel, Jennifer Garner, William Shapner, James Spader, Michel Bayne and David Spade.

Favorite Cartoon/Movie/Videogame Characters: Girr, Gaz, Dib, Zim, and Iggins from Invader Zim, Wren from Wren & Stimpy, Kenny and Carpman from South Park, Homer and Bart from The Simpsons, Cosmo from The Fairy Odd Parents, Alice, Nicholi, LJ, from Resident Evil Apocalypse, Rain and Lisa (zombie ver) from Resident Evil, Jill, Nemesis, Leon, Alfred, and Alexia from the R.E videogame series, Aida and Dalton from Unreal II, Sgt. Moody and Pvt.Ender from Call of Duty, Agent Smith, Neo, Trinity, and Mouse from the Matrix series, Hicks and Hudson from Aliens, Alan Shore, Sherly Smitt, Denny Crane, and TaraWilson from Boston Legal, Princess Kitana, Johnny Cage, Lu Kang, Jade, Scorpion, Reptile, Sub-Zero,and Sindel from Mortal KombatII (Movie) and (That's enough of 'that')

Favorite Videogames: Battlefield 1942, (Expansions Included) Battlefield Vietnam, Doom 3, Far Cry, Unreal II, Terminator 3 War of The Machines,Resident Evil 2 & 3 (I never beat #1) Gran Turismo 1&2,Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion, Morrowind, Alien Trilogy and Alien Resurrection.

Videogames That Really Piss Me off: 007 Nightfire for PC, Counterstrike, Battlefield 2, Reason: 'The Bots can see and at times shootthrough walls,can kill you with practically anything too easily, andno matter how good you are, take too many headshots to kill!" Unreal II "Because they killed Aida at the end and left Commander Hawkins with an easy, quick, death."

Hobbies: Airsoft, and Personal Computer Customization, I do poetry but I don't think 'you' wanna know me 'that' well...

Airsoft Rifles Owned: Black Classic Army custom A47, Bolt-Action M16A1, Spas 12 (shotgun) Hi-Capa 5.1 Dragon gas pistol, Colt 1911 non-blowback gas pistol, and a custom Electric MP-5A4

Favorite Guns: (Non Airsoft) MG-42 lightmachinegun, M60 lightmachinegun, RPD lightmachinegun,M16A1/M203, Hk-G3A3, M134 Minigun, M79 G.L, FIM-92 (Stinger Launcher) Panzerschrek (old-ass german bazooka) 'I preffer it in desert cammo,' M1A1 Thompson SMG, Ak-47 Antonov Kolashnikov A.R, .50cal A.E Desert Eagle and the Mossin Nigant .308 or 7.62mm sniper rifle A.K.A M91/103.

Current Projects: Well my Sci-Fi Horror story, based on the Resident Evil Apocalypse Movie, it should keep you... It's called 'The Plutonia Experiment' Then there's my Call-of Duty/Mortal Kombat Crossover, that's interesting too. They're up. Couple others on the way too.

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Poetry: Love - Rated: T - English - Poetry/Tragedy - Chapters: 1 - Words: 52 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 1 - Published: 6/25/2006
Marriage without Ritual by PessimisticOptimism reviews
The title pretty much sums it up.
Poetry: Love - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 53 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 1 - Published: 1/25/2006
Love Never Lasting by PessimisticOptimism reviews
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