Author has written 1 story for Fantasy. Welcome to my fictionpress account! I say welcome a lot, tee hee. I'll talk about myself for a minute, and then you can completely ignore me. 10 facts you should know about RoyMustangsBabe. 1. I'm an anime/manga freak. I love it. 2. You can find me on message boards a lot, typing, or reading FanFiction. All around, I'm a computer person. 3. When I write, it's always romance. I'm hopeless. 4. I try my best to understand why everyone doesn't like my work. It's tough sometimes, but I get through it. 5. I've been writing since I was nine. It has always been in my heart. 6. I actually had to update this part. My longest story, at the moment, is Under The Streets at Fifty-Six pages. Second longest is Fifty-One, which you should be expecting from me after Under the Streets is completed. 7. When I pick names, I go pretty classic depending on the story. 8. Roy is mine. Not yours. Mine. I will break your fingers. 9. I can't update often anymore, as summer vacation is over. 10. I'm an HTML/Myspace/Msn/Aim freak. Deal with it. |