Xen Kenshin
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Joined 08-30-06, id: 539032, Profile Updated: 01-26-12

Xen Kenshin

I have done a lot of maturing both on and off of this site since I joined in 2006 only to realize that I am far from my dream of becoming a true writer. However, I have realized a 'Quitntessential Truth' regarding writing and would be more than happy to share it with all of you through my work.

Some of my personal rules that apply to writing stories:

1) People will appreciate a well typed chapter more than a quickly updated chapter. Well typed means it has been revised, checking for spelling and gramatical errors as well as plot holes that may cause confusion.

2) If it doesn't seem right at first, sleep on it. (First rule applies)

3) Always, Always, ALWAYS check into your previous chapters! Avoid plot holes! I feel this needs to be repeated (I'm speaking about myself really ^^;)

4) Even after you SpellCheck, always review for other errors. Many people neglect this important rule!

5) If you get an idea away from your compuer/laptop, WRITE IT DOWN! I've forgotten SO many plot twists and minor details...

6) If said idea doesn't work as planned, TWEAK IT!

7) If no matter how much you tweak something it doesn't fit, try to reincarnate it as an all new idea. I deeply believe that there is no such thing as a 'pointless idea'.

8) Take into consideration the ideas and suggestions given to you in reviews. I have seen many a great fic fall from the author's pride...

9) Draw inspiriation from all aspects of life! This is a must for any and all authors!

10) If all else fails, ask the advice of a veteran, elder or go out and research anything related to your topic.

Some Personal Information About Me:

Music: I pretty much exsist in the 70's - 90's However, I am a huge fan of Daft Punk and Lostprophets

Likes: Weapons (Staffs and Halberds specififcally) Guns (Like the Navy Seal M4A1-SD) Food (Anything fully cooked and good tasting) Friendship, violence, romance, sloitude, family, enemies, valor, cowardice and uh... pickles and marshmallows. Oh, and writing. I can't forget that.

Dislikes: Any thing that ticks me off. It can be random at times. After all, I'm human...right?

I'm also on http://www.fanfiction.net under the same name! (Oh, and deviantArt!)

NEWS BULLITEN! I'm revamping all of my stories; I'll send those who know of the PMs to keep them posted. If you've haven't read and reviewed my fics yet, feel free to do so. I'll try and return the favor!

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Channel by LilMissSpike reviews
A small drabble about why I write and the origins of my writing. Why not give it a go? Maybe we have something in common...
Fiction: Essay - Rated: K - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 832 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 1 - Published: 1/23/2012 - Complete
Absence of fear by Yamistar reviews
The walls come tumbling down around Touki Subaru when she is abducted by her student, Kurosawa Katsuragi. Yuri.
Fiction: Manga - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,605 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 7 - Follows: 4 - Published: 8/22/2006