Author has written 3 stories for General, Life, and General. Oi. I'm Kura. I write stuff. Whee. I've got a rather odd writing method I suppose. I create whole worlds of stories in my mind and with friends just by discussing it. Those full stories are pretty much never written. There aren't really any plots. Just stort stories about little individual scenes within those storyworlds. And I pretty much just write scenes straight from how I see them in my head, with the intended audience being just myself and my friends, who already know who everyone is and all. I just start right off the bat using characters' names and referring to them with things like "the blonde" that might never have the name they correspond to stated. So most of the things I write I won't be posting here, since I don't want to edit them to make it make sense to an 'outsider' to characters. And I also don't post a whole lot of stuff ecause I get pretty self-conscious when it comes to people other than my closest friends reading my stuff. Generally speaking, I don't do plots, and I don't do personal stuff, either. I write from my imigination, and I write about all the aforementioned worlds and repeated characters that I love so much. The majority of my writing is doomed to be dumped into General. Tragic, isn't it? If you read soemthing and don't think it belongs there, I'd appreciate if you'd tell me where you think it goes. But I won't put anything into manga, because I just don't see any of my stuff as manga. Mmkay? To those who reviewed, thank you very much. 3 By the way, I accept anonymous reviews, but I'd prefer that you use a signed review if you have an account in case I'd like to reply to you, which I do quite a bit... |