Author has written 4 stories for Manga. Hiya! Ohayo! Nihao! Bonjour! Hola! Ciao! It's a pleasure to meet all of you~ I'm Nagi-kun, and I'm an adult asexual/pansexual and gender-fluid eccentric. I live at home and work part-time as both a customer service rep and a fiction writer, though sadly none of my fiction stories are yet published with the exception of those uploaded here and on my site. I am a veteran forum RPG admin and have owned over 12 in my time that have all been original concepts, and also own the website I have listed in my profile. Also, the stories I have available here on FictionPress are NOT fanfictions in any way, so please ignore any mistake in titling. The ones I have available here are incomplete and have been discontinued as I have matured in my writing, I am deeply sorry to say. However! In the near future I do plan to complete them and have them published in a short story collection, so if you visit my website or like my facebook page found here: The Dreamscapes of Adrian Morelande you can keep up with the latest updates. For now, take care my darling readers!! |