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Joined 12-02-06, id: 548525
Author has written 1 story for Fantasy.

Hello, there! Mah name's Dani, and you are... well that doesn't matter right now. Anyways, what does matter is that your looking at my site!! Which means you've looked at my story!! I'm still pretty new to the site, even though I have been posting my stories online for quite sometime now. I have an account on animespiral as fanfic_lover123 where I post lots of stories. I also have two blogspot accounts, one of which being

One of my rants and random goingsons, is something called 'Fuzzy Slippers and Banana Peels'. Why? Because I said so! Wanna see it?

I wonder, sometimes, what it would feel like to have your brain go to sleep. Would it feel like a brain freeze? Or maybe a pins-and-needles tickly feeling in your skull. That would give you a, like, brain sneeze, then wouldn't it? And if you have a brain sneeze, there has to be a way to feel that too, doesn't there? Maybe, it would feel like your head exploded, or something. But that would be painful!! I don't want to have been hurting in the head... oh wait, I probably am. I'm just stupid like that! We're getting off topic! Back to the brain sleep thing. The worst thing would be if you had two fuzzy slippers crammed into your head. Why fuzzy slippers? Because the stuff they're made out of makes me sneeze. And it tickles like hell!! Why do I go on pointless things like this?

I am so weird... you know, I love to draw, but I hate it when people bug me about how I draw. They sterio type me drawings, just because some are based on 'manga', they immediatly assume that it's japanese. Gawd, I hate it when people do that!! Also, I love the anime 'Naruto' and I even have a roleplay site for it. If you ever wanna check it out, it's /Livin_Lavida_Naruto/index.php?act=idx

Okay? Also, if you're not an anime fan, but you still love to roleplay, here's one that's not anime: /Castaway/index.php?act=idx

Coolio way. Anyways, I love just writing and ranting about random things. Guess what... nothin, wanted to see if you were still here.


Just checking to make sure you're still paying attention!! Sorry. Anyways, check out my other sites, please. And keep reading my stories!!

Tears of a Dreamer reviews
What if you possessed a mythical object that had the power to destroy the world? That object, the essense of space and time itself would be the ultimate weapon. In the wrong hands, total devastation follows in its wake. What is this object? The Hourglass.
Fiction: Fantasy - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,955 - Reviews: 1 - Published: 2/4/2007