Author has written 16 stories for Romance, Supernatural, Young Adult, General, and Sci-Fi. I have chosen the name Sy Itha not because I am basing my story Cupid's Wolf off of my life, but because I love that character. No, Sy is not my real name. No, I will not tell you my real name. Tough. Most of my stories have to do with Femslash, Yuri, girl girl relationships, ect. Mostly because the story that doesn't have that in there is my precious baby that I hope to get published one day and really don't want it stolen. I don't care how many precautions the site takes I'm not going to risk it! ahem To flamers: I really hope to not have a problem with you however if you flare up, be advised, I do have water (grins at own cleverness) To those of you who just want to read my stuff: thanks and keep commenting, it makes me update faster. To fans of Cupid Wolf: Thanks for all the support guys! I fixed some of the earlier chapters by putting a line of x's where the perspective changes so it's easier to read. I know there's typo's in there but I don't remeber where, tell me and I'll fix them. Note: I have had a comment about the dialouge not being puncutated correctly, and while I admit it is inncorrect I also admit I am lazy as hell (grin) Hey everyone, just a head's up. I am uncreative as hell in the sense that many of my main characters will sport a black bandana (a personal trademark of mine) no they aren't the same person I just love bandana's! Letting you all know that yes I am gay, and I have a girlfriend! We live together now and we're going strong |
bloodyfangs (31) liuytfdx (0) | MichelleMagly (7) yakana (9) |