I am a Canadian student who enjoys writing and web designing in my spare time. I'm not sure if I will be posting up any of my works, so for now I am just a reader. Check out my community. Favourite stories out of my favourites: These stories fit the following requirements: Complete (roughly in order, starting from most favourite): - The Champagne Gang by punkturnedwriter - The Boy Who Talks to God by Unbridled - How To Save A Life by Margot Tenenbaum - Things So Hidden by Azure Volant - I Hope You Dance by timpanigirl - Cerulean Harbor by Rhunt - Winged by In.the.Wardrobe - The New and Improved Annie Bananie by Lizzy-Lou - A Strong, Windless Place in the Sky by The Breakdancing Ninja - The King and the Thief by FantasiaFirst
- Brady Remington Landed Me In Jail by Tijan - Anthems for a Seventeen Year Old Girl by Margot Tenenbaum - It Was Only a Kiss by jammi - Lighthouse Charlie by star123 |
Carmel March (6) |